Does vodka kill coronavirus

During the pandemic, everyone seems to have understood: in order to protect yourself from the virus, you need to wear masks, maintain social distance and regularly clean your hands with an antiseptic. And around the last point, many still have many questions. Chief among them: “Can ordinary vodka serve as an alternative to antiseptic?”.

The causative agent of coronavirus: what you need to know about its structure

In order to know how to fight the virus, you need to understand what it is. Unlike bacteria, viruses are not complete microorganisms. Any virus is a protein molecule (DNA), which is covered from the outside with a lipid (fatty) shell.

A virus, including the causative agent of COVID-19, becomes dangerous only when it appears on the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth, and eyes. In this case, this molecule causes a mutation in the cells of the human body: it changes their genetic code. As a result, a previously healthy cell of the body turns into an incubator for viruses that multiply, destroy the cell and then pass to others or spread through the blood throughout the body.

Structurally, the virus is a rather fragile infectious agent. Its only protection is its thin outer shell. In addition, since the virus is a special organism, it does not die, but is destroyed. How long it takes for it to decompose depends on various factors: the level of humidity, temperature, as well as the environment in which it is located.

Why is vodka useless against coronavirus?

If you remember chemistry, then alcohol serves as a fat solvent. But not every alcohol, but only a certain concentration – from 65% and above. And if you keep this in mind, it becomes clear why vodka cannot be considered an effective remedy against coronavirus.

The strength of vodka, as a rule, is 40 degrees (sometimes less). This means that the concentration of alcohol in the drink is only 40%, which is clearly not enough to destroy the lipid membrane of the coronavirus. Why this happens, the scientists also explained.

The fact is that if vodka or an alcohol solution is used as a disinfectant, then it will not work to completely destroy the virus. At best, only reduce its bioactivity. And then under the condition of a rather long exposure of such a solution to the viral molecule. But upon contact with 70% alcohol, viruses die quite quickly and almost 100% [1].

But here scientists immediately made a remark. Drinking alcohol as a “coronavirus cure” is a bad idea. The reason is that the dose of ethyl solution, which theoretically could destroy the virus, is also deadly for humans. And in smaller quantities, alcohol simply will not work on the causative agent of COVID-19.

Bad idea and drinking vodka for prevention. This is not something that will not be useful, but it can also play a cruel joke during an epidemic. Alcohol weakens the immune system, making a person, on the contrary, an easier target for SARS-CoV-2 [2]. In addition, do not forget that alcohol abuse has a detrimental effect on all organs and systems of the human body. Therefore, during an epidemic, it is better to refuse to drink alcohol altogether. [3].

Other useless methods of struggle

Contrary to popular belief, useless in the fight against coronavirus and vinegar. It is not capable of destroying the lipid shell of the molecule, and therefore is not terrible for it.

Another popular, but completely useless remedy against coronavirus is antibacterial drugs. As already mentioned, viruses and bacteria have a completely different structure and nature. The former are intracellular substances, the latter are individual microorganisms. Any antibacterial agent is aimed at killing bacteria, and not destroying protein substances.

What will help then?

The most effective way to fight the virus is ordinary soap. Soap suds dissolve grease. And that means the lipid outer shell of the coronavirus. After the protective layer of the virus is destroyed, the protein molecule inside also disintegrates. But in order for the necessary reaction to occur, you need to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

By the way, hot water can be another effective method against the virus. It is likely that high water temperatures will inactivate the virus. But at the moment there is no reliable information about what kind of water temperature is needed, and how long it should affect the coronavirus. [4].

You can also destroy the virus with a solution consisting of 1 part bleach and 5 parts water. Such a mixture, although it does not directly affect fat, is able to break down protein, thereby destroying the viral particle.

Oxygenated water (hydrogen peroxide) is also an effective viral protein destroyer. But the catch is that applying such a product in its pure form to the skin is unsafe, as it can damage the skin. But it is quite possible to treat the surfaces of objects that are not afraid of contact with such a substance with peroxide for the purpose of disinfection.

By the way, during the period of viral epidemics (not only COVID-19), it is important to keep your skin hydrated. On too dry skin, microcracks form in which the virus can hide. While a healthy holistic skin for the virus is an impenetrable armor.

And of course, do not forget to take vitamins and follow a healthy lifestyle – this is the best thing you can do for yourself during an epidemic.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Sergey Viktorovich Netesov, head of the laboratory of bionanotechnology, microbiology and virology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, NSU – Why does vodka not kill viruses and bacteria, but 70% alcohol solution does?
  2. ↑ NIAAA, Tuesday, May 12, 2020. – Drinking alcohol does not prevent or treat coronavirus infection and may impair immune function.
  3. ↑ World Health Organization 2020. – Alcohol and COVID-19: what you need to know
  4. ↑, April 1, 2020. – Can hot water kill the COVID-19 virus on surfaces? If yes, how long?

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