Does the tuberculosis vaccine protect against COVID-19? The expert replies
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The guest of Onet Rano, run by Odeta Moro, was Tomasz Karauda, ​​a doctor of the lung diseases department of the University Hospital in Łódź. During the interview, the host asked the guest if it was true that Polish society is less exposed to serious complications and infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in general, because we had been vaccinated in the past, e.g. for tuberculosis.

The expert admitted that there are studies that initially suggest that communities that have been obligatorily vaccinated against tuberculosis are less likely to suffer from coronavirus. If you look at the infection map and put a mandatory vaccination map on it, you can see that countries such as the United States or Spain have many more infections than, for example, Poland.


  1. A booster dose of TB vaccination may protect against COVID-19
  2. Tuberculosis vaccine tested to fight coronavirus

Karauda added that this relationship, which is still being investigated, must not create a false sense of security. We should continue to follow the rules related to limiting the spread of the coronavirus. He also admitted that part of the blame for the fact that people do not believe in the pandemic lies, among others, politicians and their incoherent message on the scale of the threat.

See also:

  1. Hidden victims of the epidemic. There have not been so many deaths in Poland for five years
  2. Which masks are most effective at blocking the virus? The CDC is revising its recommendations
  3. When can we call an ambulance to someone with COVID-19? What to tell the dispatcher?
  4. Muscle pain during COVID-19. «He was so strong I couldn’t touch myself»

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