Does the Pfizer vaccine work against all mutations of the virus?
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Pfizer and BioNTech have tested their vaccine against over 30 different variants of the coronavirus. “It has proven effective against all mutations,” says Ugur Sahin, head of BioNTech.

  1. The Indian variant of the coronavirus was the cause of the second wave of the pandemic in India, where nearly 400 people were detected in May. infections daily
  2. Pfizer and BioNTech are continually testing their vaccine against COVID-19 variants
  3. The assurances of the manufacturer’s representatives show that the Pfizer vaccine protects against any mutation of the coronavirus 
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Does the Pfizer vaccine work against the Indian mutation?

The constantly mutating virus makes it uncertain whether the preparations will protect against each new version. BioNTech, the company cooperating with Pfizer in the production of the vaccine, citing the results of the research that appeared on the bioRxiv website (where research is published waiting for a scientific review), assures that the preparation Pfizer protects against all current coronavirus mutations.

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The head of BioNTech Ugur Sahin explains that the Indian COVID-19 variant is more resistant than previous strains, but this does not change the fact that antibodies appearing after vaccination with Pfizer’s preparation effectively neutralize the local version of the disease.

Sahini also explained what the work on verifying the preparation looked like. – We tested the vaccine on more than 30 variants of the virus. So far, the preparation has proved effective against all mutations, says Sahini.

Pfizer vaccine more available

As a result of the research carried out on the Pfizer vaccine, it also turned out that it may be stored longer than previously thought. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) ensures that Pfizer’s preparation can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer, up to 31 days. Until now, the vaccine was thought to be effective only up to five days after thawing. ‘Now that the vaccine is stored at normal refrigerator temperatures for up to 31 days, it can be used more widely, giving patients more access,’ said UK pharmacologist Dr June Raine, of the MHRA.

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In India, the situation is dramatic

The Indian variant of the coronavirus has made India hit by the world’s greatest infection wave. Today, almost half of all new infections in the world and a third of deaths from the pandemic are recorded there. There is still a lack of oxygen in hospitals and the bodies of victims of the pandemic are being fished out of the Ganges.

A Ghazipur resident told the Associated Press that the surrounding villages have run out of wood for the cremation on land, so the bodies of the dead are thrown into the river.

Read also:

  1. A dramatic situation in India. Prof. Zajkowska: beds, medicines, oxygen, and even burial places are missing
  2. WHO: The COVID-19 pandemic could have been avoided. Many chances were wasted in February 2020
  3. In May, the number of COVID-19 infections worldwide decreased. In which countries is it still growing?

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