Does meldonium (mildronate) help with a hangover

Occasionally, even adherents of a healthy lifestyle allow themselves to abuse alcohol, and in the morning they suffer from the consequences of yesterday’s “heroism”. At such moments, a person is ready for anything, just to regain clarity of thought and good health. Manufacturers take advantage of this, and periodically new drugs arrive on the counter, to which miraculous properties are attributed by rumor and advertising.

Now at the peak of the “hangover fashion” was meldonium. Medicines containing this compound have been used for a long time in the treatment of alcoholism. But recently, meldonium has been advertised almost as a panacea for a hangover. Let’s figure out what it is and how it works.

The effect of meldonium on the human body

Meldonium was discovered by the Latvian scientist Ivars Kalvins in the mid-70s of the last century. It turned out that this substance helps the body recover from serious stress, including sports.

With a lack of oxygen that occurs as a result of overvoltage, fatty acids are not completely oxidized, and decay products that are harmful to the heart are formed. Fatty acids enter the heart muscle thanks to carnitine. Meldonium inhibits the enzyme γ-butyrobetaine hydroxylase, due to which carnitine is synthesized, and prevents the intake of carnitine from food into the blood.

Does meldonium (mildronate) help with a hangover
Meldonium creator Ivars Kalvins

Thus, meldonium plays the role of a cardioprotector: it contributes to the fact that, in conditions of oxygen deficiency, the heart is provided with energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates, and not fats.

Also meldonium:

  • improves the supply of cells with oxygen;
  • provides the body with energy;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • increases immunity;
  • has a tonic effect;
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the blood;
  • stabilizes mental activity.

Hangover remedies with meldonium

There are several preparations based on meldonium on sale, the most popular of them are:

  • “Mildronate” – the most proven and well-known of all means. Producer – “Grindeks”, Latvia. Release form – capsules, injection solution (in ampoules);
  • Idrinol in capsules and ampoules, manufacturer – Olainfarm (Latvia);
  • Cardionat (in capsules and ampoules) produced by the Russian company Nizhpharm;
  • “Meldoniy-Eskom” in ampoules, manufacturer – “Eskom” (Russia);
  • “Meldonium-Organica” – in ampoules, manufacturer – “Organica” (Russia).

Does meldonium (mildronate) help with a hangover

How to take meldonium for a hangover

For the liver, alcohol is a poison that needs to be eliminated urgently. Meldonium also has the property of accelerating the removal of toxins from the blood. In addition, it helps to restore the body after intoxication, tones. Therefore, doctors involved in the treatment of alcoholism have long paid attention to drugs with meldonium.

However, do not think that it is enough to take a capsule or make an injection – and the hangover problem is solved forever. The fact is that under a hangover, people who are far from medicine understand two completely different conditions:

  • feeling unwell (nausea, vomiting, headaches, pressure problems) in the morning after drinking alcohol. These are the consequences of intoxication. In such a state, it is disgusting for a person to even think about alcohol;
  • actual hangover. The state of health is even worse than in the previous case, but the patient is drawn to drink. This is a sign of incipient alcoholism, and only meldonium from a hangover will not be enough: you need to see a doctor.

Reception of meldonium with alcohol intoxication

The next morning after evening excesses, you need to take 2 capsules of Mildronate or inject meldonium. The drug will work more effectively if activated charcoal, Enterosgel or another sorbent is taken 1,5–2 hours before it. It should be borne in mind that with intramuscular injections, the drug sometimes causes allergic reactions.

After 2-3 hours, there is a significant improvement. To strengthen the immune system, you can take 10 capsules of “Mildronate” 2 times a day for the next 4 days or do 2 injections (each 10 ml) of meldonium per day. During the entire course, you can not drink alcohol.

“Mildronate” with a real hangover

In the treatment of withdrawal symptoms, a course of meldonium is usually prescribed by a doctor. An injection of meldonium or a single intake of 2 tablets of “Mildronate” with a hangover significantly improves the patient’s condition, but does not solve the problem of craving for alcohol. Those who feel that they are unable to comply with the “dry law” for the next 10 days should not continue taking the medicine.

Doctors prescribe “Mildronate” or a solution of meldonium for injection even in severe cases, when the withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by hallucinations. The drug returns clarity of thought and has a beneficial effect on the state of the central nervous system.

The combination of meldonium with alcohol

A logical question arises: if meldonium is so good for a hangover, perhaps taking the medicine before drinking alcohol will save you from morning agony? Answer: no. Despite the presence of meldonium in hangover preparations, this substance does not combine well with alcohol.

At best, “Mildronate” or another meldonium-based remedy taken before a feast will not harm, but it will not protect against the consequences of alcohol abuse. But it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Often, meldonium in combination with alcohol causes vomiting, a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Therefore, taking drugs with meldonium for a hangover is a force majeure, when the general state of health is sacrificed for a temporary improvement in well-being. In fact, meldonium products are excreted from the body in 16–24 hours. Alcohol is excreted from the body in men in a day, in women – in 2 days. In order for meldonium to benefit, alcohol (in moderate doses) can be consumed only a day after taking the medicine.

Those who want to take a 10-day prophylactic course of taking drugs with meldonium should start:

  • men – not earlier than one day after drinking alcohol;
  • women – after 2 days.

Contraindications to taking drugs with meldonium

Meldonium is contraindicated in:

  • high intracranial pressure;
  • brain tumors;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • young people under 18 years of age.

Meldonium, like any medicine, can improve health or harm. Therefore, before taking the drug, be sure to consult a doctor.

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