Does masturbation affect erection?

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What is the effect of masturbation on erections? What can erection problems result from? Why do erection problems arise during intercourse? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

What is the effect of masturbation on erection?

Hello, my name is Piotr and I am 31 years old. I’ve never been in a long and stable relationship until now. Currently, I have been associated with a woman who is 3 years younger than me for over half a year. Everything would be fine if it weren’t for my embarrassing and embarrassing problem. Well, I have erection problems.

During foreplay up to a point everything is kind of fine, but when it lasts too long, my cock just falls off. In addition, it happens that despite the non-prolonged foreplay, when it comes to the fact that he wants to enter his partner, the member also falls. Why is this happening? I wish my sex life was successful and I don’t know how to solve this problem. I would also like to add that during the period when I was single, I masturbated a lot.

Czy frequent masturbation could affect the erection? I’m still young and probably shouldn’t have erection problems. It seemed to me that I was doing nothing wrong with masturbating. I read that it is healthy. I would like to add that even when it comes to the situation where I masturbate with an erection, everything is fine. So why is there something wrong with my partner? Should I be taking any erection pills already? Or maybe go to a doctor? Please let me know.

The doctor explains whether masturbation may affect erection

Dear sir, stopping masturbation for a while may help, but I don’t promise you that it will be your case. Often times, erectile dysfunction in young men is mental and not organic. Excessive stress, strong emotional arousal or even the fear that it may fail result in erectile dysfunction.

The so-called self-winding up, i.e. constant thinking that during the last intercourse, the erection was not satisfactory, it may also happen on the next occasion. In young men, emotional factors are one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. Of course, other reasons should also be considered in the process of differentiation. Very frequent masturbation it can also result in the inability to achieve an erection or orgasm with contact with your partner.

If the doctor excludes psychological causes, then there should be organic factors that may result erectile dysfunction. Such diseases include many years of poorly treated arterial hypertension, generalized atherosclerosis, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, liver failure and hypothyroidism. For neurological reasons, multiple sclerosis should be kept in mind. Other causes of abnormal erection that are often forgotten include medications, especially those used chronically.

Most often, erectile dysfunction is caused by psychotropic drugs, e.g. anti-anxiety or antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs, e.g. beta-blockers or diuretics, also H2-blockers or metoclopramide may contribute to incomplete erection. I wish you had written more about yourself and your lifestyle.

Smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction. I think you should speak frankly to your GP who will then refer you further. It is also definitely worth talking to a psychologist and if you rule out psychogenic causes, you can go to a urologist.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

If sex toys are used during masturbation or intercourse, it is worth reaching for the lubricant for Toy Lube Pjur erotic accessories. If you want to strengthen your erection, try the Pro-Long Pjur ratio prolonging spray. In the event of pain during intercourse, it is worth reaching for the Ohnut cushioning ring.

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