Does it have to be terrible to go back to work after holidays?

How to prepare for the holiday? What to do so that returning to work does not come as a shock? And how to find good energy after vacation? Explains dr hab. n. med. Robert Pudlo, prof. SUM, a psychiatrist from the Department and Clinical Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze, Medical University of Silesia advises.

  1. The halfway point of the holidays is behind us. Some of us are already on vacation, and some are just about to take a break from work
  2. What to do to make returning to work not difficult?
  3. According to the psychiatrist, it is worth planning your return from vacation even before it starts
  4. – At work, tasks and responsibilities should be clearly divided before departure. Cemeteries are full of irreplaceable people – says psychiatrist prof. Robert Pudlo
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

We should prepare our return from vacation before departure

– You need to prepare yourself for returning to everyday life after the holidays before you go on vacation. It is worth ordering all matters before we start resting, so as not to be covered with arrears after returning. Remember that escaping unfinished business on vacation is a recipe for a headache immediately after returning. The same applies to order at home – the chaos left at the time of departure will take revenge on us upon return – explains psychiatrist prof. Robert Pudlo.

– At work, tasks and responsibilities should be clearly divided before departure. The belief that no one is competent enough to make decisions in our absence precludes real rest. Cemeteries are full of irreplaceable people – he adds.

  1. There is no blood in the summer. Is the situation worst in some places?

From a psychological point of view, it is important to get to know yourself and know how to rest and be able to adapt your vacation to changing needs. The vacation formula that works well at the age of 25 will not necessarily work after another 25 years. – Each vacation should be preceded by an analysis of our needs. Do I rest – do I really relax while visiting another big city with famous galleries? Do I have to “pass” another exotic country? Do I like hiking in the mountains, swimming, walking in the woods, sailing? After what activity do I feel refreshed? – advises a scientist from the Medical University of Silesia.

Extend your vacation after returning from vacation

It is worth predicting what the return will look like. If in the future we have a tiring, long flight, traffic jams on the highway, etc., we should not delay planning the return at a reasonable time, and maybe even the day before, to start the first day at work with good energy, and not stress caused by lack of sleep.

– Holidays are the time to change habits or develop new ones – of course not all of them, because it will not work – but maybe one, e.g. quitting smoking, morning gymnastics, etc. After returning, it is worth continuing the custom you started on vacation for as long as possible – the longer the better – explains prof. Robert Pudlo.

  1. Vacation destinations with an increasing number of infections. Delta is also attacking our neighbors

Let’s not forget that we should take some time to think while on vacation. It is worth analyzing what classes to give up, so that life would be better if during the year, so that we would not run out of time for ourselves. You can also plan “holiday extenders”, ideas for a summer weekend, or a trip on a free afternoon – this reduces the feeling of loss after the end of the holiday.

Remember that no advice or strategy will help if there is too much work and too little rest.

Also read:

  1. Will the children go to school in September? There are recommendations from the Medical Council
  2. Minilockdown in Greece. Where are the restrictions introduced?
  3. What does it mean to rest?
  4. A good athlete needs to sleep a lot

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