Does glucomannan work? Is glucomannnan healthy? |

Nobody has any illusions that without diet and exercise we will not achieve our weight loss goal. Despite this, supplements that are supposed to support the diet are multiplying on the market. Few of them are noteworthy, and yet you can find a ‘gem’ from time to time. What is glucomannnan? Does glucomannnan help you lose weight? Is glucomannnan safe? Does glucomannan facilitate weight loss?

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In this article you will learn, among others:

  • Does glucomannan work?
  • What is glucomannnan?
  • Is glucomannnan healthy?
  • Does glucomannnan help you lose weight?
  • Is glucomannnan safe?

Does glucomannan work?

Numerous studies confirm that supplements containing glucomannan are among the few noteworthy. However, it should always be remembered that we will not lose weight from any tablet available at the pharmacy, if we do not change our lifestyle. Only diet and exercise will allow you to lose weight. A supplement can only be an addition.

What is glucomannnan?

The very name ‘glucomannan’ has probably caught the ears of most of us many times. What is this? Well, glucomannan is a soluble fiber obtained from the konjak plant grown mainly in China and Japan. It provides almost no calories, but a good source of calcium (40 mg per 100 g). 

Of course, you should be aware that the absorption of calcium in the Konjak plant is lower than, for example, from dairy products – emphasizes the dietitian Patrycja Kawka.

Konjak has been known in Japan since the 1846th century as a medicinal food. In 100, the book ‘XNUMX Konjak Recipes’ gained popularity.

Is glucomannnan healthy?

  • An excellent compilation of studies on the effects of glucomannan is presented in The American Journal of Clinic Nutri. The results of the analyzed studies were consistent: glucomannan decreased the level total cholesterol, triglycerides and blood glucose. Its effect on weight loss has also been confirmed.

Does glucomannnan help you lose weight?

  • The research presented in Minerva Med. clearly show the support that glucomannan gives during weight loss. Of the two groups of people on a slimming diet, one was receiving glucomannan – about 4 g in 3 doses per day. It turned out that the addition of the test compound allowed for greater weight loss, reducing body fat, making it easier to go through the diet regimen, and improving health. The study noted increased satiety in the subjects taking glucomannan.
  • One recent study published in Int Arch Allergy Immunol. prove that glucomannan can prevent allergieswhich have an impact on body weight. Further verification is needed.
  • Published in 1995 in Clin Ter.  research shows that combining a low-calorie diet with glucomannan significantly improves the effects of the diet and affects satisfaction of hunger during its duration.
  • The European Security Authority has agreed to inform on products containing glucomannan o slimming effect and the health benefits mentioned above. This is the only fiber supported by EFSA.

Is glucomannnan safe?

Interest in this substance is growing rapidly among both supplement and food producers. The popularity of glucomannan has been used in the production of the so-called 0 kcal pasta, which nutritionist Patrycja Kawka wrote about. Glucomannan is certainly a substance worth attention and, unlike most of the ‘weight loss aids’ on the market, it can really help you lose weight in combination with a diet.

Photo from text is from: woinary / Foter / CC BY-SA

Have you ever taken a glucomannan supplement? What are your opinions on glucomannan? What were your effects after glucomannan? Share with us!

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