Everyone who tried to lose weight heard at the very beginning that they should give up fat. But it turns out that fat actually helps you burn calories. Condition? It must be of the right type.
According to the latest discoveries, even … oil can help in the fight against obesity. Specifically, it’s about coconut oil, which gently warms the body and contains substances that stimulate metabolism. In addition, it has a full range of minerals, which are also essential in maintaining a healthy body. To take advantage of its beneficial properties, it is enough to reach for a teaspoon a day. You can drink it in the morning, but you can also add it to dishes – fruit smoothies, oatmeal or baked goods.
Valuable oils
Other substances that support natural weight loss include vitamin D and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They support each other’s absorption and are necessary for proper weight loss. In a recent study, it turned out that people who were on a low-calorie diet lost weight more slowly than those who took in the correct number of calories with a high content of vitamin D and additionally played sports 2-3 times a week. Vitamin D is involved in metabolic processes and helps maintain a healthy weight, and its deficiencies may result in weight gain. In turn, Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids are extremely valuable for our body due to their beneficial effect on the brain, joints or skin condition, therefore, after taking foods rich in them, they are quickly absorbed, instead of causing weight gain. In addition, both coconut oil and products rich in fatty acids (such as olive oil) lower blood cholesterol levels and the risk of diabetes, thereby facilitating weight loss. Such fats also make us feel full for longer, so we reach for snacks less often.
Not all fat
Does this mean that while on a diet, we should reach for donuts and pizza with impunity? Unfortunately not. Animal fats from red meat, palm fat or rapeseed oil are still on censorship, because they increase cholesterol and after taking them, the body quickly demands another portion of something fatty. In addition, they can cause heart blockages or diabetes, which in turn prevent or hinder an active lifestyle, which is necessary to maintain a healthy weight. “Junk food”, unlike vegetable fats of good quality, also promotes constipation, which in turn means a protruding belly. In addition, after fatty, sweet and salty processed products full of artificial additives, we become sluggish, sleepy and even less willing to watch the diet, which is why losing weight on such a diet will be even more difficult.