Does Delta Variant Really Have Different Symptoms? [WE EXPLAIN]
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The Internet has recently been heating up with information on the Delta coronavirus variant. He is credited with, inter alia, other symptoms as well as the fact that it can mutate towards the much more deadly coronavirus MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). What is truth and what is fiction? Learn two facts and six myths about the Delta variant.

  1. The Delta mutation of the coronavirus is spreading around the world, triggering anxiety and concern about an increase in the incidence
  2. This variant is also present in Poland. On July 6, Health Minister Adam Niedzielski informed 115 cases of the Delta variant in Poland
  3. It is true that the Delta mutation is more infectious than other variants known to date. However, does it have other symptoms? Is it more dangerous for the vaccinated? Is it associated with a higher risk of death? We explain in the text
  4. You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.

For the first time, a double-mutant SARS-CoV-2 variant (known as B.1.617, now the Delta variant) was identified in March this year. Three months later, the Delta mutation began to dominate – in mid-June, The Guardian reported that the pathogen had reached 74 countries and that it was spreading faster than other variants.

The Delta variant is more infectious than other mutations known to date. TRUE.

According to epidemiological analyzes conducted, among others, by by Public Health England, the Delta variant is more contagious than previously known variants. It is estimated that by 40 to 60 percent.

Infection with the Delta variant may manifest by other symptoms. MYTH

In view of the current data for this variant, there is no hard evidence as to whether infection with this variant is symptomatic different from previous mutations of the virus. Opinions of doctors from their own clinical practice or data reported by patients through the Zoe COVID Symptom Study application are not enough to draw definitive conclusions.

It is worth noting that SARS-CoV-2 infections were associated with a very wide spectrum of symptoms from the very beginning. Of course, those related to the respiratory tract were predominant, but symptoms from the digestive system were also noted from the very beginning.

– The virus uses the angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2 (ACE-2) receptor to infect cells and is found on the surface of various types of cells. There is currently no evidence that the delta variant will infect other cell types than others – in fact, this is rather unrealistic. It is more possible that those infected with this variant are characterized by a higher degree of viremia, i.e. virus particles in the body, and therefore it is easier for it to get out of the respiratory system. But also this claim would need to be assessed first as part of carefully planned research – says Dr. Piotr Rzymski.

In order to prove that infection with the Delta variant is associated with a different frequency of occurrence of particular symptoms, it would be necessary to conduct a symptomatological analysis on a large group of infected. In such a study, for each swab sample taken, genome sequencing must be performed to determine exactly which variant the patients are infected with. Only then, taking into account a number of parameters, such as age, sex and comorbidities, and even the time of year, one may be tempted to draw meaningful conclusions.

– I have the impression that today we formulate them using anecdotal evidence. When the alpha variant, ie “British”, B.1.1.7, became the media version, there were also voices saying that infection with it causes other symptoms – less frequent olfactory impairment, and more often a sore throat. This belief was repeated many times, despite the lack of any indications for it. Finally, the Lancet Public Health published the results of a very large analysis covering thousands of patients, which determined the frequency of symptoms accompanying the infection with various variants, including the British one. Application? There are no significant differences – adds Dr. Rzymski.

The specialist also points out that the observations of Indian doctors cannot be directly transferred to the situation in Europe. We are talking about a different climatic zone, the incidence of various diseases, including parasitic ones, differences in the socio-economic situation and access to medical care. All of this may determine a different spectrum of observed symptoms.

Are you worried that your symptoms may be coronavirus? Perform COVID-19 – Rapid Saliva Antigen Test to confirm or debunk your fears.

Gangrene is more common in infection with the Delta variant. MYTH

Gangrene, or gangrene, is tissue necrosis caused by infection with anaerobic bacteria and it is difficult to find any relation here.

The Delta variant may further mutate to the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) coronavirus. MYTH

These are completely different viruses. – SARS and MERS belong to different sub-types of these pathogens: sarbecoviruses (SARS) and merbekoviruses (MERS). This group also includes embecoviruses and nobecoviruses. Despite the same group, the differences between these viruses can be quite significant – explains Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć from the Małopolska Center of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

Infection with the Delta variant is associated with a higher risk of death. MYTH

There is no definitive evidence for this. Specialists unanimously emphasize that the variant that is more infectious – and all indications that the Delta variant is – will inevitably result in a greater number of hospitalizations, because it can be spread more easily to people from higher risk groups.

Attention! In countries with a significant proportion of the vaccinated population, the number of deaths is not increasing significantly as vaccination progresses. US health authorities recently announced that the vast majority of deaths occur among unvaccinated people. The situation is similar in Great Britain.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

The Delta variant is more dangerous for the vaccinated. MYTH

While experts say the Delta variant may break vaccine immunity in some people fully vaccinated against COVID-19, vaccinated people are protected against severe COVID-19, hospitalization and death.

According to the Public Health England report, the vaccine reduces the risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19, also in the case of the Delta mutation. Therefore, if you have not yet received the vaccine, do not delay and go to the vaccination center.

The available vaccines do not work against the Delta variant. MYTH

The conducted research and analyzes confirm that the currently used vaccines also protect against the “Indian” variant of the coronavirus. However, full immunization with two doses (or one with Johnson & Johnson vaccination) is required.

Studies have shown that when coronavirus variants are encountered, the effectiveness of the vaccines decreases only slightly. For example, Public Health England found that after two doses, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 96% effective against the Delta variant, and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is 92% effective against the Delta variant after two doses.

  1. Who is dying from COVID-19 in Poland? Almost 99 percent. it’s unvaccinated

SARS-CoV-2 keeps mutating and new variants continue to emerge. TRUE

Examples are the variants: Delta and Delta Plus. According to experts, this pathogen may still change as long as it can attack people who are not immune to it.

The conclusion is obvious: let’s get vaccinated before the fall. First of all, it should be done by seniors, overweight and obese people, people with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases and other accompanying diseases. If we are young and healthy, it is still worth getting vaccinated: we not only protect ourselves, but also others who are more sensitive, from infection.

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