Does bra shape affect breast health?

Women’s underwear has long ceased to be just functional. There are now countless varieties of bras in stores for every taste and size. But are they all safe for breast health? And can the notorious “bones” really increase the risk of getting breast cancer? We deal with the gynecologist Elena Annenkova.

The “breast holder”, or bra, is an essential element of a woman’s wardrobe. The word came into our language from German and directly defines the original function of this item – breast support.

The history of the bra has more than one century, those who wish can easily find its “traces” back in the days of Ancient Greece. A model reminiscent of modern ones appeared not so long ago, in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries.

But the world, as you know, does not stand still, so today the “lingerie industry” presents a huge number of variations on the theme of underwear. For every taste, color, size and expected tactile sensations. Lace or cotton, sporty models or elegant “for special occasions”, with thick or thin cups, with or without underwire…

It is about these very “bones” that real battles are played out. Year after year, the same question is raised: can a bra cause breast cancer (BC)?

Are bones dangerous?

Further research is needed – the cliché that ends the lion’s share of scientific articles means “at this stage everything is exactly like this, but we are not 100% sure, we continue to study the problem.” Today, reliable data indicating a direct relationship between a bra and breast cancer have not been identified. Dot.

The only remark is that being overweight leads to an increase in the mammary glands and, accordingly, the use of a bra with additional support. But in this situation, it is not the bra that becomes a factor that increases the risk of developing cancer, but obesity.

However, bras can directly affect the quality of life. According to statistics, almost 80% of modern women wear improperly selected underwear.

An uncomfortable bodice causes pain in the back, neck and head, a feeling of squeezing in the chest area, changes posture. In the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbcontact between the “bones” and the skin, irritation may occur, in extreme cases, the case may end in dermatitis. Constant discomfort also affects mental health. And then the following question arises: maybe complete freedom or a bralette without “pits” are the best options?

Is a bralette for everyone?

“Nature itself is so wound up” – by no means! It was society that considered the bra a desirable and even necessary piece of underwear, which, initially performing the function of breast support, eventually acquired a sexual context. What are the famous appearances of the “angels” of one of the major lingerie brands in the Fantasy Bra – a bodice adorned with precious stones!

But lately there has been a growing interest in bralette bras or the complete rejection of bras. A bralette is a model without linings and “pits”, often without clasps. Of course, for girls with small breasts (1-2 sizes) this is a wonderful, most convenient option. But what is comfortable for one woman may be uncomfortable for another.

The larger the size of the mammary glands, the heavier the breast. Gravity, excess weight, a history of childbirth – all this leads to natural ptosis (sagging). Cooper’s ligaments (connective tissue bridges that provide shape and support to the breasts) are not “iron”, after all.

A bra without additional support can lead to soreness during physical exertion and, consequently, limitation of range of motion.

We monitor the situation

To wear or not to wear? There is only one correct answer: if you wear it, then select it taking into account individual parameters.

Most of the fair sex probably have a couple of “those” favorite bras that are a pity to throw away. But the fabric tends to stretch. And our bodies can change too. Therefore, it is very important to update the bra-wardrobe in a timely manner. It is worth doing this at least once every six months.

A small survey revealed that girls with sizes 3+ are more likely to use the support of “underwire”. With 1 and 2 breast sizes, preference is given to bralette models.

Many people directly associate the choice of a bra with clothing. Strict dresses, shirts, tight sweaters suggest “hard” models, while under oversized or airy tops with straps, you can wear a bralette or even ignore underwear.

The result?

  • Bra does not cause breast cancer, according to studies.
  • Size matters.
  • Properly selected bra does not have any negative health consequences.
  • To wear or not to wear it is the individual decision of each woman.

Be healthy!

About the Developer

Elena Annenkova – obstetrician-gynecologist, linguist. Her blog.

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