Does an ideal crime exist? How long is enough to find the murderer?

Some crime scenes give the impression that nothing can be found on them. There is not a single scrap of cloth, not the slightest hair or skin under the victim’s fingernails. This does not mean, however, that the perpetrator will remain undetected. But which forensic method will be the best to unravel the ideal crime?

  1. DNA testing identifies every human being in the world, except for identical twins
  2. DNA analysis is the most effective identification method in forensics
  3. This method was discovered by the British geneticist Alec Jefffries
  4. More such information can be found on the Onet homepage

Valuable microtraces at the crime scene

Even if the crime seems to be perfect, and the murderer carefully cleans up after himself or – in a more spectacular way – causes a fire or an explosion, he will never remove everything. Contemporary forensic experts are able to find many significant microtraces even at the cleanest crime scene.

It may be a microtrack a scrap of fiber, a spot of oil or a microscopic chipping of paint automotive. These are key traces, e.g. in car accidents. However, if you need to identify the victim or offender, then the most effective method is DNA code testing found at the crime scene. At present, it is enough for this purpose a fragment of hair with a length of 0,1 (from such a small fragment you can already collect DNA) or a droplet invisible to the naked eye blood.

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Error margin: 90%

In 2009, the National Academy of Science in the United States published a report in which experts admitted that the forensic techniques used so far – such as blood analysis, fingerprints, tooth marks, tire marks, as well as graphological and ballistic analyzes – did not provide sufficient evidence to link the crime with a given person.

Techniques that have been popular for decades have often yielded incorrect or inaccurate results, leading in some cases to the imprisonment or death of innocent people. In the case of dactyloscopy (even that performed by specialized computers), the margin of error was as high as 20%, and in the case of re-analysis of hair samples, as much as 90% did not agree. results. Experts assessing the shape of the dentition by analyzing did not prove themselves bitten sandwiches or teeth marks on the victim’s body. The only technique that, according to the NAS report, really worked in forensics was the examination of the DNA code.

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DNA analysis is the most effective method of identification

The identification method, discovered by British geneticist Alec Jefffries, was first used in 1984 in the case of a teenager suspected of rape and murder on two of his peers. DNA testing of the material taken from the suspect along with the material from the semen sample from the crime scene revealed that it was not the suspect boy who was the murderer. The first criminals were sentenced to prison on the basis of DNA material testing as early as 1986. Over the last three decades, databases of genetic codes have been created in many countries, and many open cases have been resolved even several dozen years after they were committed, because the DNA molecule is surprisingly durable.

Accurate research methods were developed in 1997 and since then the so-called genetic profiling was already in widespread use. Currently, it is enough to compare 10 genetic markers to identify a person, and even determine the color of his eyes and hair, ethnicity or susceptibility to diseases, including mental disorders. The probability that someone else will have the exact same DNA code is zero. But this does not mean that there are no errors in this method, although they are mainly due to contamination of the sample or its improper collection from the crime scene.

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One conclusion remains: in this day and age, and with the advancement of DNA science, there is no perfect crime, but inadequately secured evidence may occur. Murders or rapes are not perpetrated by evil geniuses who have thought through each step and left no trace of themselves. It takes really little, two cells of the genetic code to quickly identify the culprit.

Also read:

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  2. Kennedy’s killer was under hypnosis? The psychiatrist admits it is possible, and the commission wants him to be released
  3. A seductive grandmother from Japan. Who is the “Black Widow” waiting for the death penalty?

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