Does air conditioning spread the coronavirus?
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The coronavirus outbreak is causing great concern in society. Almost everyone is afraid of getting sick and possible complications after infection. You can find a lot of information on the web about possible routes of coronavirus infection. According to some, the coronavirus is even spread through air conditioning. Is it really to be feared?

How can you catch the coronavirus?

The COVID-19 coronavirus is transmitted by airborne droplets, so if you want to avoid infection, you should first of all distance yourself from people coughing and sneezing. It is worth keeping an appropriate distance when dealing with such people, and it is even recommended to avoid talking to people who are visibly ill.

Check if you may have contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus [RISK ASSESSMENT]

However, it should be remembered that the coronavirus (like other microbes) can also be found on the various surfaces we touch every day. The source of infection can be, for example, money, keyboard, door handles, mobile phone or TV remote control. So if we want to avoid SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection it is worth remembering about frequent disinfection of various objects and surfaces we touch.

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How long does the coronavirus live outside the living organism?

The coronavirus outside the living organism can survive for about 3 hours in the form of droplets, i.e. aerosol. If it falls on the surface of the cardboard, it will last up to 24 hours, while it can survive the longest on a steel or plastic surface. In such conditions, it can survive up to 72 hours.


Coronavirus spreads by airborne droplets, so it won’t survive in air conditioning. It is not possible for the virus to spread this way!

Na SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus lifetime The type of surface, humidity and temperature therefore have a great influence. For this reason, the most important point Coronavirus disease prevention is to follow the basic rules of hygiene.

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Could Coronavirus Survive In Air Conditioning?

Coronavirus does not survive in air conditioning and therefore cannot be transmitted this way. It should be remembered that it is transmitted by droplets, so it dies quickly in air conditioning.

A lot of this type of false information can be found on the Internet. Therefore, remember not to panic and look for information about the coronavirus only in proven sources that are based on scientific evidence. The source of verified information will be the website of, for example, the National Health Fund or the Ministry of Health.

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How to lower your risk of getting the coronavirus?

The easiest way to lower it the risk of contracting the coronavirus is frequent hand washing. Hand washing effectiveness in fight the coronavirus it is so big because the coronavirus is enveloped in a lipid membrane, which is simply fatty. Therefore, when washing our hands with the most ordinary soap or disinfecting our hands with a special liquid with a minimum content of 60% alcohol, we destroy this coating and the virus itself.

Who Should Be Careful?

Particular care in connection with the coronavirus should be exercised by the elderly, people with reduced immunity, suffering from various chronic diseases and those who are currently struggling with other diseases.

In this group of people, severe forms of the disease most often develop, even leading to death. People suffering from diabetes, neurological disorders or diseases of the cardiovascular system should be careful. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that diseases in children are extremely rare.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. How long does the coronavirus stay in the body of a person who has no symptoms of infection?
  2. How Can You Endure Coronavirus Isolation? Astronaut Council
  3. What does the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus look like? Scientists analyze its structure

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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