Does a glass of wine have health benefits?

Does a glass of wine have health benefits?

It is clear that drinking alcohol and more in large quantities is harmful to health.

For millennia the human being has elaborated and manufactured fermented product of almost anything, wine, beer, etc …

Alcohol in our body produces certain pleasures that reduce the activity of neurons, and thereby relaxes our inhibitions.

Despite the moderate consumption of a certain type of alcohol, in this case we are referring to wine, it can provide us with more advantages than disadvantages.

Do you want to know them? Take note!

What benefits does a glass of wine provide us?

The properties of wine are undeniable for the well-being of our body. Next, we list the main benefits that this drink provides us:

  • Contribution of antioxidants: wine provides a large amount of antioxidants to our body. Thanks to them, the aging of cells and, therefore, a series of degenerative diseases is prevented.
  • Protect the heart: the heart-healthy virtues given to the wine are due in part to the tannins located in the skin of the grapes, which are also the compounds responsible for the color of red wine and its particular bitter taste. That is, they are the ones that give our palate some dry and rough nuances that many of us love.
  • Improve mental alertness: According to a study conducted at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim (Germany), people who drink a glass of red wine a day are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, as well as any other type of dementia.
  • It is very beneficial for your oral health: if your gums bleed, wine is perfect for this problem, since grapes have compounds that, when fermented, kill the appearance of streptococci and bacteria linked to cavities.
  • Increase libido: with its intake, the body’s blood flow is increased thanks to the flavonoids, making it a powerful aphrodisiac.

Incredible everything that this little gem brings us, right? In addition to all these benefits, it should not be overlooked that wine is the perfect ally for our dishes. Whatever the type of food we have in front of us, there will always be a pairing with a glass of wine to enhance its flavor in the mouth, be it red, white or rosé.

Consumption, always moderate

Until very recently, it was said that a glass of wine a day was perfect for our well-being, but it is true that recently, researchers from Australia and the United Kingdom have published in the British Medical Journal, the results of a study in the that tested the supposed benefits of moderate alcohol consumption.

It has been concluded that it is better to have half a glass of wine a day than a whole one, since, as you can see, it has positive effects, but also negative ones, since alcohol does harm our health, despite the positive compounds of this drink: tannins, resveratrol, vitamins, etc.

So, remember, if you are a wine lover, do not stop drinking it, as it has infinite benefits for your body, but yes: always a moderate consumption.

Do not forget! 

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