Dodder: useful properties and applications

Useful properties of dodder

Dodder is known as a weed plant, very harmful to cultivated species, but its use for medicinal purposes can be beneficial. Dodder is stored for the preparation of natural medicinal decoctions and infusions used for various diseases. It is known that all types of plants have diuretic, laxative and analgesic properties. Grass has been used by many generations of healers for centuries. Dodder has hemostatic and astringent properties. It contains glycoside cuscutin, tannins, phytosterols. No less useful are flavones, flobofen, leukoanthocyanins, carbohydrates.

Dodder application

Avicenna wrote to future generations about the uniqueness of this plant, noting its ability to cleanse blood vessels and eliminate toothache. Combining the infusion with vinegar, you can cure hiccups, and normalize the patency of the bile ducts. Nowadays, dodder is known to be effective in cancer, with painful menstruation.

Dodder infusion: taking 5-7 g of grass per 200 ml of boiling water, you should insist on the composition for 2 hours, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

The plant treats colds, gastrointestinal diseases. Lotions using decoctions relieve bothering itching in skin diseases.

Dodder decoction: you should take 50 g of grass for 2 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat for 20-25 minutes, then cool, strain, squeeze and add to a bath of water. Baths are done daily or every other day 10-12 times.

Dodder sap is useful for jaundice, and when combined with the seeds, it cures chronic fevers. Flowers have a hemostatic property, their infusion is used for inflammation of the lungs.

Flower infusion: it will require 1 teaspoon of flowers per 1 cup of boiling water, the remedy is infused for 1 hour, and then filtered. It is recommended to take it 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Traditional medicine advises using dodder for the treatment of alcohol addiction.

dodder root

As soon as the plant grows a few centimeters and makes one turn around the donor plant, its root immediately dries up, so you need to have time to make a harvest for the winter. There is an excellent recipe for an ointment that helps treat skin cancer,

Dodder ointment: grated dodder root must be mixed with cow butter in a ratio of 1: 1. The affected areas should be lubricated 1-2 times a day. At the same time, you need to drink a decoction of the plant 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

dodder seeds

Dodder seeds help improve the functions of the genitourinary system. Such a beneficial effect is explained by the positive properties of the substances of the seeds, which have a healing effect on the spinal cord and, as a result, on the innervated organs. By improving cell nutrition and restoring the normal circulation of biochemical processes, beneficial elements put the myelin layer in order.

Dodder grains are an excellent tool for strengthening the urogenital muscles, which is important for reducing potency in men and weakness of the muscles of the genital organs in women.

field dodder

Dodder field – a plant with thread-like yellow or pinkish-yellow stems, has five-dimensional white or greenish flowers, collected in loose inflorescences. It is native to North America, spread to many countries as a result of the transportation of agricultural crops. This species parasitizes on dicotyledons – on alfalfa, melons and garden crops, reduces yield and product quality. The field dodder is attached to the stems of plants with the help of suction cups, penetrating into the parenchyma and sucking out useful substances. But no matter what negative qualities the dodder has for the surrounding vegetation, a person can use it for medicinal purposes.

Dodder infusion:20 g of dry grass should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 1 hour. Take this medicine 1/3 cup 3 times a day with uterine prolapse and uterine bleeding.

European dodder

European dodder is distinguished by thread-like, red, branched stems, its flowers are pinkish-white or pink, collected in spherical inflorescences. She, as well as her relatives, disrupts metabolic processes in cultivated plants, feeds on reserves of organic and inorganic substances, which leads to their death in large numbers. Medicinal properties that are beneficial to humans, have the roots, stems and flowers of grass. Its seeds remain viable for six years.

dodder clover

This species lives in all regions of the CIS. The objects of defeat of this weed are clover, vetch, flax, alfalfa. The stems of the clover dodder are very thin, many-branched, curly, lilac-red. The flowers are small, collected in spherical balls. The chemical composition of the plant is the same as, for example, European dodder, but it is still being studied. It has been established that this type of plant is poisonous, it is known that the chemical composition contains glucoside, but its properties have not yet been fully disclosed. The main active ingredients have a positive effect on the treatment of many diseases.

Contraindications to the use of dodder

Dodder is contraindicated in diabetes, obesity. Its use is not recommended for stomach ulcers and diarrhea. Poisonous plants should be used with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor, strictly observing the dosage when preparing and taking the finished product.

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