The Presidium of the Supreme Medical Council called on MPs to consider the possibility of taxing nicotine products in the draft law on excise duty. It is supposed to promote health and discourage smokers from a harmful addiction.

  1. The medical self-government reminded that cigarette consumption and passive smoking are the cause of death and disease every year for approx. 60-70 thousand people. people in Poland
  2. It is with traditional cigarettes that the nicotine addiction usually begins
  3. In Poland, the level of taxation of nicotine products is one of the lowest in the entire European Union
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Smoking usually starts with traditional cigarettes

As recalled by the medical self-government, cigarette consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke are the cause of death and disease in Poland every year about 60-70 thousand. people.

Cigarettes are still positioned in the first place among nicotine products through which nicotine initiation takes place. According to the recently published data of the European Commission covering all Member States and the United Kingdom, 8 out of 10 people surveyed admitted that they had their first contact with nicotine thanks to cigarettes. In the second place, the self-rolled tobacco is responsible for the initiation. Chewing and heating tobacco top the list, for which the contribution to the initiation of this addiction was of marginal importance. Moreover, as indicated by the Commission, these figures have not changed significantly since 2017.

In Poland, one of the lowest taxes on cigarettes in the entire EU

Poland is a country where the level of cigarette taxation is one of the lowest in the European Union. This makes it a very affordable product not only for young people, but also for less wealthy and less educated people, which is conducive to becoming addicted. The results of analyzes presented by the National Institute of Public Health – PZH, whose research have shown that cigarettes are the main medium of nicotine initiation in Poland, are clear proof of this. Over 52 percent young people admit that they started their infamous adventure with nicotine addiction with a cigarette. Subsequently, products such as electronic cigarettes (30,5%), snuff (4,4%) and hand-rolled cigarettes (3,2%) are mentioned. On the other hand, at the end of the list there were tobacco for heating and snus with the result of 0,2 percent, respectively. and 0,1 percent

Raising the excise duty is to discourage smokers from becoming addicted

It is worth pointing out here that the Polish cigarette market has been dominated by the cheapest cigarettes. Their prices often fluctuate at the same levels as a few years ago. Therefore, it is necessary to take appropriate fiscal steps to effectively minimize this phenomenon. According to the concept of excise duty, apart from fiscal goals, this tax is designed to model appropriate, pro-health behavior of consumers.

The tool for implementing this postulate should be an increase in the specific excise duty on cigarettes. Indeed, if the primary purpose of the excise duty on cigarettes is to dissuade consumers from smoking, the duty should be levied on behavior against which consumers are to be discouraged, that is, in this case, on the number of cigarettes smoked. This will allow for the implementation of the postulate to reduce the price availability of cigarettes among consumers and their consumption. State revenues from excise duty should, in the first place, be allocated to the budget of the public health care payer.

The Presidium of the Supreme Medical Council calls for measures to be taken to reduce smoking, including changing the current level of taxation of cigarettes, and thus the possibility of limiting the consumption of these products among Polish society.

Also read:

  1. How can health risks be reduced in active smokers?
  2. Smokers have a harder time of COVID-19. They have more symptoms and are hospitalized more often. New conclusions from extensive research
  3. The eight best ways to quit smoking
  4. Harmless e-cigarettes are a myth [EXPLAINED]

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