Doctors urge people to get vaccinated against the flu. When is the best time to do this? An important change
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We have the fourth wave of COVID-19, and to make matters worse, the flu season is approaching. Doctors call for special mobilization to vaccinate against these diseases. “Both pose a serious threat to society as a whole,” experts recalled at the recent Flu & Covid-19 Forum 2021. Why is influenza vaccination so important today? When is the best time to take the preparation? Can I get the COVID-19 and flu vaccine at the same time? We explain.

  1. Doctors remind that flu is still a serious disease, complications can be very serious
  2. The beginning of the flu season is superimposed on the growing wave of the coronavirus epidemic. This means there is a risk of co-infection, increasing the likelihood of a very severe course of infection and even death
  3. “We call for special mobilization to vaccinate against influenza, but also against COVID-19”, write experts from the recent Flu & Covid-19 Forum 2021. Experts emphasize that both diseases pose a serious threat to the entire society
  4. It is best to get vaccinated against flu by the end of October
  5. Experts recommend flu and COVID-19 vaccinations during a single medical visit. We explain why
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Flu season overlaps with the fourth wave of COVID-19

The fourth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland is accelerating. On September 29, the Minister of Health admitted: – We have crossed the barrier of the fourth wave. We have recorded over 1,2 thousand. new coronavirus infections. Forecasts say that in a month, that is at the end of October, there will be about 5 of them each day. The peak of the wave will probably be at the end of November – then the daily statistics of new infections may reach up to 30.

The flu season, unfortunately, coincides with the accelerating wave of infections. Let us remind you that in Poland, the increase in flu incidence usually begins in October and lasts until April of the following year. During this time, several hundred to several million cases of influenza and flu-like infections are registered. Let us recall that in the last flu season (September 2019 – April 2020) there were a total of over 3,7 million cases of influenza and suspected flu in Poland. Hospitalization required over 16,6 thousand. people. NIPH-NIH also reports 64 deaths due to influenza during this period (more in the article: Why is the coronavirus not like the flu? Just look at the death statistics).

Doctors urge people to get vaccinated against the flu. Important reasons

Although our lives have been subordinated to the COVID-1,5 pandemic for over 19 years, let us not forget that the flu is still dangerous and, as experts participating in the September Flu & Covid-19 Forum 2021 reminded us, similarly to SARS-CoV-2, it poses a serious threat to the whole society, in particular for people at risk (including people aged 65+, children under five, pregnant women, people with diabetes or heart disease). Suffice it to say that the flu can be very serious. Secondary bacterial pneumonia, myocarditis, meningitis, exacerbation of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular ailments, sepsis (fortunately rare) – these are just examples.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Moreover, the coming flu season can be extremely tough. In mid-September, the German daily Tagesspiegel wrote about it: «There could be a particularly severe flu epidemic this season. Experts warn that influenza viruses could become more aggressive (…) »(after PAP).

It all adds up to the rising tide of the coronavirus epidemic. This also means a risk of co-infection and thus a very severe course of infection or even death. Moreover, it is not possible to distinguish between influenza and COVID-19 without laboratory testing. Hence the appeals of doctors and experts not to give up vaccination against influenza (but also against SARS-CoV-2). «We call for special mobilization to vaccinate against influenza, but also against COVID-19. These are two serious infectious diseases, the incidence of which increases in the fall and winter season. Both pose a serious threat to society as a whole » – experts from Flu & Covid-19 Forum 2021 emphasized. “In the case of both diseases, preventive vaccinations may reduce the frequency of infections as well as the severity of their course” – wrote in the issued statement.

Influenza vaccination, it turns out, also protects to some extent from COVID-19 infection. According to the pulmonologist prof. Adam Antczak, flu vaccinees were 3,3 times less likely to develop a form of COVID-19 that would require hospitalization (more in the article: Do people vaccinated against COVID-19 get the flu more gently? Doctor explains).

Flu and COVID-19 Vaccinations. Change in recommendations

It is best to get vaccinated before the epidemic season is fully developed (peak cases are from January to March). Specifically? Remember that the time needed for the body to produce antibodies is approx. Two to three weeks. Although flu vaccinations can be carried out throughout the flu season, it is not worth delaying it for no reason, especially in the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic. Therefore, it is good to get vaccinated in the fall, and it is best to do it before the end of October. Such a solution is suggested by the American CDC agency: “September and October is generally a good time for vaccination. Ideally, everyone should be vaccinated by the end of October ”.

Given the pandemic realities, the question is how long after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine can you get the flu vaccine? So far, it has been recommended to administer the COVID19 preparation at least 14 days before or after any other vaccine. But that has changed. Currently, experts recommend the simultaneous administration of preparations against SARS-CoV-2 and against influenza. As we read in the justification of the above-mentioned recommendation, the previous recommendation “was of a precautionary nature and did not result from safety observations”

Dr. Ernest Kuchar, the president of the Polish Society of Vaccinology, spoke about the simultaneous administration of both preparations. – Despite new technologies, we treat both vaccines – against COVID-19 and against influenza as “killed” because they do not multiply. Therefore, there is no need to keep a time distance between administering one and the other, so they can be given during one visit – argued the expert, adding: – Such recommendations were issued in many countries.

This position was also taken by the CDC: “While there is limited data on the administration of COVID-19 vaccines with other vaccines, including influenza vaccines, experience with the concomitant administration of other vaccines has shown that our bodies develop protection and possible side effects are generally similar, regardless of whether the vaccines are administered alone or with other vaccines »- we read on the agency’s website.

If you are concerned about receiving both vaccines at the same time, it is best to contact your doctor.

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