Doctors told when it is better to give birth to a second child

Scientists have calculated everything for a long time and found out what kind of break between childbirth would be optimal.

Do you know what Kate Middleton and Kim Kardashian have in common? No, not only gender and number of children. It turns out that Princess Charlotte was conceived a year and a half after the birth of Prince George. The story is the same with the birth of North and Saint. It is unlikely that Keith and Kim knew about the latest research by American scientists, but intuitively they did everything right. It turns out that if a woman re-becomes pregnant earlier than 18 months after the birth of the previous child, then the risk of developing autism in a newborn baby increases by 50 percent. However, too long intervals – more than four years – are also harmful.

The authors of the study argue that it takes a woman’s body at least one and a half years to re-stock up on all the resources it needs to carry and feed a healthy baby. In addition, short birth spacing increases the risk of premature birth, placental abruption and low birth weight.

To deduce this pattern, the experts examined 356 children with autism spectrum disorders, 600 with developmental disorders, and another 524 children without any abnormalities. The results clearly indicated that the “wrong” break between births was associated with autism. It turns out that vaccinations are not to blame?

Another factor that provokes the development of autism in a child is the age of the mother. The later a woman becomes pregnant for the first time, the higher the risk of abnormalities in the development of the baby.

“So now there are more and more children with autism,” experts say. “Modern women tend to postpone pregnancy: first they build their careers, then they just take care of their families.”

In addition, the risk of fetal abnormalities increases with age. As was told at the Nova Clinic Center for Reproduction and Genetics, only 41 percent of embryos in women aged 35-40 years have a normal set of chromosomes, and over the age of 40 this figure decreases to 20 percent. This means that only 20 percent of embryos will have normal chromosomes. So, the most common chromosomal abnormality is Down’s syndrome (or trisomy of the 21st chromosome). The frequency of birth of a child with this disease is 1 in 600. With age, the risk of having a child with this pathology increases. For example, for a woman 40 years old, it is 1 in 63, and at 45 years old – 1 in 19.

“We know that the peak of conception in a woman is 24 years old, and by the age of 30 this ability is reduced by almost 2 times in comparison with similar possibilities at 20 years old, and the probability of having a child using her own eggs after 43 years is less than 3%. Sperm parameters also deteriorate after 35 years, ”commented Irina Vadimovna Zorina, Ph.D., gynecologist-reproductologist, scientific director of Nova Clinic.

It turns out that it is necessary to give birth to a second child no earlier than a year and a half after the birth of the first child. And it is better if this happens before the age of 35.

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