Doctors saved her life when she was a newborn baby. Now she became a mother

As a newborn, Emilia Szczęsna underwent a major heart surgery. Doctors from the Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital – Research Institute in Łódź saved her life. Today, the woman is 26 years old and has just become a mother.

The young mother is grateful to the doctors who gave her life. If it weren’t for them, she wouldn’t be able to hold her daughter in her arms now. 26 years ago, prof. Jacek Moll, head of the Cardiac Surgery Clinic of the Institute of Polish Mother’s Health Center, was the first in Poland to start operating on children with the so-called the shifting of large vessels. Emilia Szczęsna was one of his first patients. Had it not been for the surgery, she would have died.

Emilia graduated from college, got married, became pregnant and recently gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She is probably the first woman in Poland to become a mother after such an operation. Her daughter Alicja weighed 3,050 kg and received 10 points on the Apgar scale. Pregnancy and childbirth were possible only because the mother underwent heart surgery in her childhood, which enabled her to live a normal life. Emilia could do everything her peers could do. She played sports, went to school, and did not have to take any medications. She only went for checks every 2 years.

The pregnancy was successful and without any complications. It turned out that little Alice did not inherit the defect from her mother. The girl is completely healthy. “I am a happy mother and everything is fine,” says Mrs. Emilia.

Prepared on the basis of: RMF 24

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