Doctors rarely recognize this disease in seniors

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It is more dangerous for seniors. Young people cope with it better. Elderly people stay at home, stop eating and even washing themselves. I’m talking about depression. And although out of a hundred retirees as many as XNUMX have it (more often women), doctors confuse it with the symptoms of aging and do not treat the sick.

Depression – what is it associated with?

«Depression is not a natural condition for older people. It is rather cheerful aging »- convinces the geriatrician prof. Shlomo Noy, co-founder of the MD Nursing and Angel Care network of seniors. Unfortunately, for many retirees, deep sadness is everyday life, not serenity.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that depression is more difficult to recognize in older people. “With its symptoms, it resembles other typical seniors’ diseases, for example, it is confused with cognitive disorders” – warns Dr. Patryk Piotrowski, psychiatrist at the Medical University in Wroclaw, expert at the Angel Care senior center in Wroclaw.

Depression is associated with melancholic mood, pessimism and sadness. It causes sleep disturbances, a sense of inner emptiness and withdrawal from social life. Patients lose energy and motivation, have reduced physical fitness, experience back pain, gastrointestinal disorders, are irritable, have memory problems, palpitations, breathlessness, headaches and dizziness.


In people over 65, these ailments are often treated as common signs of aging, which is not true.

“Depression in seniors is often confused with cognitive impairment or is masked by them” – says Dr. Patryk Piotrowski. She points out that depression in the elderly is more dangerous than in younger people. «Seniors stay at home, some people stop taking care of hygiene, do not get out of bed, lose their strength quickly, both eat and drink too little. Such a situation can quickly lead to a drastic deterioration of health and even death »warns Dr. Piotrowski.

Depression – a disease of women?

PolSenior research shows that almost 30% of people suffer from depression. people over 65 years of age. The risk of this disease increases with age. It occurs in one in four people aged 65–79 and in one in three after the age of 80.

Women suffer from depression more often than men. “Women tend to lose partners sooner and loneliness is one of the leading causes of depression. Ladies feel more strongly than men that children start to lead their own lives »- explains Dr. Patryk Piotrowski.

In the elderly, regardless of gender, the risk of depression increases the feeling of isolation and alienation (“Nobody needs me anymore”). She is favored by poor contact with children, retirement, mourning, deterioration of mobility, age-related deterioration in the functioning of the senses, as well as problems with memory and helplessness.

According to Dr. Piotrowski, depression in seniors is also fostered by previous mental disorders, especially those that have not been treated or even have not been diagnosed. People suffering from somatic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are also at greater risk. Certain medications can also cause low mood.

Depression – How to Fight It?

A healthy lifestyle in middle age is of great importance in the prevention of depression. It is important to prevent, early detect and regularly treat chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as metabolic diseases, especially diabetes.

According to the geriatrician, prof. Shlomo Noy, exercise is an excellent antidepressant.

Even 150 minutes of exercise a week is enough to maintain your physical condition and well-being. It is also worth remembering about a proper diet. «We all age differently. Genetic predisposition as well as experiences and experiences play a large role, but also lifestyle is of great importance. Let us be active, both physically and socially, let’s meet people, let’s develop our interests », advises prof. Shlomo Noy to all those who want to increase their chances of a happy old age.

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