Doctors kicked a woman out of the hospital, confusing contractions with rotavirus

The unhappy mother had to give birth alone, without the help of doctors. But this was her first birth.

Contractions can be both real and training, which will easily confuse even an experienced mother. But who would have thought that contractions could not be recognized even by doctors who confused the onset of labor with … a stomach infection.

32-year-old Natosha Kramer from Ohio was preparing to become a mother for the first time. Early in the morning, feeling the contractions, she went to the hospital. But the doctors said her pains were stomach flu. The woman was tormented by bouts of nausea, which, apparently, led the doctors to such a diagnosis. Therefore, the pregnant woman with contractions was simply sent home.

Natosha claims that the doctors even made her an ultrasound of the stomach, while seeing the baby in the birth canal. However, doctors assured that the woman was not yet ready for childbirth. The inexperienced mother, believing the doctors, returned home. A few hours later, she gave birth to her first child, daughter Nola, without any medical assistance.

The woman did not believe until the last that her bouts of pain were real contractions.

“Even when my daughter’s head appeared between my legs, I still didn’t realize that I was giving birth. It was my first time. I didn’t know anything about it, ”says Kramer.

In order to somehow cope with fear and feel support from the outside, during childbirth, the woman conducted a video broadcast on Facebook.

How could her parents help the future mother, who came to Natosha’s home. Although none of them had minimal medical experience.

Natosha gave birth in the bathroom. Her mother was the first to take the baby in her arms, while the woman’s father was trying to find out by phone from the emergency services how to cut the umbilical cord.

“He was advised to find some kind of cord for the umbilical cord, so in a panic he tried to pull the laces out of his shoes. It’s good that an ambulance arrived at that moment, ”recalls the young mother.

Fortunately, nothing threatened the child’s health. The baby was born strong with a weight of 3,3 kg.

Six months have passed since then. Of course, the first weeks for a single mother were especially difficult, but Natosha is happy. 

“Nola is perfectly healthy. Her teeth have been teething since the age of two months. She is already crawling with might and main and loves to listen to jazz, ”says the happy mother.

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