Doctors have named unexpected benefits of gum and green bananas

They also formulated several everyday household habits that everyone should adopt.

It seems that now there is not a single person who would not try to make his lifestyle healthier and postpone the moment of meeting with the sores of the elderly. And it’s easier than it sounds. British doctors have compiled a list of recommendations that are very simple to follow, and the health benefits are enormous. 

Eat green bananas

Bananas contain a lot of useful things: a huge amount of potassium, for example, which feeds our heart, dietary fiber that is useful for digestion, even a banana peel is capable of miracles – even whiten teeth, at least remove stains from clothes. But that’s not all. 

“Bananas are full of prebiotics, which not only feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut, but also help absorb calcium, thereby strengthening bones,” explains Laura Tilt, nutritionist and British Dietetic Association spokesperson. “Greenish bananas contain more of these prebiotics, since as the fruit ripens, the fiber in them is destroyed.” 

Have breakfast with prunes

It turns out that if you add five to six dried berries to your breakfast, you can protect yourself from osteoporosis – the loss of bone tissue that is very common with age. What is especially sad, women are more susceptible to this scourge. 

As a result of a 2017 study by George Mason University in the United States, eating prunes every day for six months improves bone health – all thanks to a variety of nutrients in its composition.

“It is enough to eat 50 g of prunes a day. With regular use, bone density is reduced and bone loss is reduced, ”says Dr. Leon Creeney, consultant in sports and medical medicine at the Manchester Institute of Health. 

Chew gum

Even the small movements that we make when chewing gum are beneficial. Firstly, this is how we burn a certain amount of calories – very small, but still. Secondly, chewing gum reduces appetite and cravings for sweets. I wanted a cookie – put a bubblegum pad in your mouth and it will feel better. In addition, if you chew gum after eating, you don’t want to gobble up dessert after salad or soup. By deceiving our appetite in this way, we consume fewer calories per day, pushing away the problem of excess weight and its attendant ailments: diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and other ailments. 

Eat blue fruits and vegetables

Eggplant and blueberry – it would seem that they have in common. And they have in common a substance called anthocyanin, which gives the fruit a blue color. This substance is referred to as antioxidants that resist the destruction of cells in the body, reduce inflammation, improve bowel function, thereby improving immunity. In addition, anthocyanins from blue fruits and vegetables have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system: they cleanse blood vessels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. 

Drink green tea

Each type of tea has its own benefits: Pu-erh tea helps you lose weight, and white tea protects against cancer. However, green and black teas are still considered the most versatile. In addition, they are the most affordable. British doctors, as befits the inhabitants of England, are real tea fans. They advise drinking at least three to four cups a week, and preferably a day. According to numerous studies, green tea, when consumed regularly, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. And that in itself is a good enough reason to love him. After all, it is from these diseases that most people in the world die. 

Brush your teeth while standing on one leg

Muscles and ligaments weaken with age. Elderly people find it more difficult to maintain balance, they fall more often. And injuries such as fractures in old age are a real nightmare. 

“Standing on one leg while you brush your teeth helps to strengthen your muscles and maintain a sense of balance for a longer period,” said Dr. James Higgins, general practitioner of surgery at a UK hospital. 

In addition, the doctor recommends tiptoeing up stairs, sitting and getting up at least 20 times a day, and doing housework with weights on your ankles. 

This simple practice helped reduce injuries and fractures from falls by 2013 percent, according to a 60 French study. 

Observe a daily fast

The practice of intermittent fasting has been incredibly popular lately. It boils down to the fact that there is an impressive time interval between yesterday’s dinner and today’s breakfast: 14-16 hours. For example, you have dinner at 7 pm, and in this case you need to have breakfast at 11 pm. 

“Interval fasting will not only help you lose weight, but it will also reduce your risk of developing diabetes,” explains Dr. Malik, a cardiologist. 

But for those who suffer from migraines, this method may not be suitable: for people prone to headaches, long intervals between meals can be harmful. 

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