Doctors have discovered the secret of longevity. It is about specific hours of eating

Limiting the caloric content of meals and avoiding eating late in the evening or at night can extend your life. Scientists from Texas have conducted studies that have shown that if we want to stay young and healthy for as long as possible, we should give up midnight snacks and reduce food portions during the day.

  1. Eating during the inactive phase of the circadian cycle has a negative effect on the body. Therefore, doctors recommend avoiding high-calorie snacks late in the evening and at night
  2. American scientists tested the mice for their eating schedule. Animals that only ate in their inactive phase had a life expectancy of 35 percent. higher than those who ate as much and when they wanted
  3. Calorie-rich meals late in the evening can alter blood sugar control and increase the risk of pre-diabetes and diabetes
  4. More important information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Researchers at the UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, conducted a study on mice. The animals were divided into six groups. In one of them – the control group – animals could eat as much as they wanted and as much as they wanted. The other five groups were fed calorie-restricted diets with the same amount of calories but different feeding schedules. Since, unlike humans, mice have their active phase at night, automatic feeders were used in the study to ensure that some mice only ate at night.

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Life expectancy is 35 percent longer.

Control mice that ate without limit had a median lifespan of 800 days, while mice on a low-calorie diet with food available 875/10 lived 12 days, or about 959 percent. longer. In contrast, mice on a low-calorie diet that ate only during the day (in mice it is inactive phase) and fasted for 20 hours at night, survived XNUMX days. Their life expectancy has increased by XNUMX percent. compared to the control group.

However, the longest lived mice on a restricted-calorie diet that ate only in the active phase and then fasted for the remaining 12 hours. These animals had an average of 1068 days of life, or almost 35 percent. longer than the control mice.

The researchers also found that calorie restricted diets improved the animals’ glucose regulation and insulin sensitivity, with the mice that ate only at night (active phase) being the greatest improvement. As a result – the mice were healthier and aged more slowly – as emphasized by Dr. Joseph Takahashi from Southwestern Medical Center, quoted by The calorie restriction slowed down the age-related changes in mice, that is, weaker metabolism and increased activity of genes that cause inflammation.

It’s time to stop eating at night

“We’ve discovered a new aspect of caloric restriction that dramatically extends the lives of our laboratory animals,” said Dr. Joseph Takahashi, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute researcher and chief neuroscientist at UT Southwestern Medical Center, told “If these findings are confirmed in humans, we can rethink whether we really want this midnight snack,” he added.

The experts also noted certain factors that could have influenced the results of their research. For example, disturbances in the animals’ sleep may also have contributed to shortening the life cycle of mice that ate during the day (in the inactive phase). In turn, in female mice, hormones could offer protection against disturbances in the circadian rhythm.

Calorie snacks at night increase the risk of diabetes

While there are indications that the results of the mice study should indicate similar effects in humans, the researchers caution that there is no such certainty. However, for those people who are active during the day, they recommend eating their last meal early in the evening at the latest. They note that eating late at night interferes with the body’s ability to keep blood sugar levels within a healthy range. This is especially true for people with a particular variant of the melatonin receptor gene. It’s a hormone that helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. With the increase in its level in the evening, not only does drowsiness increase, but also disrupts insulin secretion. As a result, the body has more difficulty controlling blood sugar levels after meals just before bedtime.

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«Since many people opt for carbohydrate-rich snacks such as crisps, cookies, candy or popcorn late at night, it is more likely that these snacks will disturb blood sugar control and increase the risk of pre-diabetes and diabetes » Dietitian Mariam Eid told

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