Doctors from books, movies and series

In this quiz, you will need your cultural knowledge – we ask about the unforgettable characters of doctors from movies, series and literature. How well do you remember them?

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1. In the series “ER” George Clooney played the character of Dr. Ross – what was his specialization?

Photo: Press material
Pediatrics Next question
The series has as many as 15 seasons; its first episodes were broadcast in 1994.

2. A friend of Sherlock Holmes from Arthur Conan Doyle’s works was a surgeon, Dr. Watson. What is his name?

Photo: Press material
John Next question
John Watson is not only an associate of Holmes, but also his friend, and for a time also a roommate.

3. The action of the series “Hospital on the periphery” takes place in:

Czechoslovakia Next question
This is probably the most famous Czechoslovakian medical series. It is set in a hospital on the outskirts of Prague, and the title of the original is “Nemocnice na kraji města”.

4. You probably remember the character of Dr. Judym from one of your school readings. What is the title of this novel?

“The Plague” by Albert Camus
«Doll» by Bolesław Prus
«Homeless People» by Stefan Żeromski
«Homeless People» by Stefan Żeromski Next question
The novel describing the fate of the young doctor Tomasz Judym was published in 1900. It has so far been translated into several languages.

5. Where and when is the action of the series «Doctor Quinn» taking place?

Photo: Press material
In the United States in the nineteenth century
In London during World War II
At the beginning of the XNUMXth century in Toronto
In the United States in the nineteenth century Next question
Jane Seymour plays the role of a community doctor working in the city of Colorado Springs.

6. What ailment suffers from Dr. Wilczur, the protagonist of Jerzy Hoffman’s film “Healer”?

He struggles with memory loss
He’s addicted to morphine
He’s losing his sight
He struggles with memory loss Next question
“Znachor” was written in 1981 on the basis of the best-selling novel by Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz. The role of the cardiac surgeon Rafał Wilczur, troubled by amnesia, was played by Jerzy Bińczycki.

7. The protagonist of which novel is the scientist and court physician of the Emperor of China, Dr. Paj-Chi-Wo?

“Around the World in 80 Days” by Jules Verne
“Mr. Kleks Academy” by Jan Brzechwa
Andrzej Maleszka’s “Magic Tree” series
“Mr. Kleks Academy” by Jan Brzechwa Next question
In the film adaptation of the novel, the role of Doctor Paj-Chi-Wo was created by Wiesław Michnikowski.

8. In which American city is the action of the series “Surgeons” taking place?

Photo: Press material
W San Francisco
In New York
W Seattle
W Seattle Next question
The original title of the series, “Gray’s Anatomy”, refers to a XNUMXth-century academic anatomy textbook written by British surgeon Henry Gray.

9. What skill did Dr. Dolittle from Hugh Lofting’s novel cycle?

He could talk to animals
He traveled back in time
He could levitate
He could talk to animals Next question
The hero of this series of British children’s novels was the veterinarian, Dr. John Dolittle, who learned how to speak animals through his parrot named Polynesia.

10. «It is a fundamental truth about human nature that everyone lies. The only variable is what is about ». Who is the author of this statement?

Gregory House z serialu «Dr House»
Hannibal Lecter from the movie “The Silence of the Lambs”
Miranda Bailey from the series “The Surgeons”
Gregory House z serialu «Dr House» Next question
The series about the adventures of an eccentric, arrogant and extremely intelligent doctor House has been broadcast since 2004, 177 episodes were shot.
Photo: Press material

11. What is the title of the series in which the character of Dr. Zosia Stankiewicz-Burska appears?

«In the maze»
“For good and for bad”
“Far from the stretcher”
“For good and for bad” Next question
The action of the series takes place in the fictional town of Leśna Góra near Warsaw. Over 840 episodes have been shot so far.
Photo: Press material

12. Which actor played the role of Zbigniew Religa in the movie “Gods”?

Piotr Adamczyk
Marcin Dorociński
Tomasz Köt
Tomasz Köt Next question
Łukasz Palkowski’s film has been awarded many times – including Golden Lions for the best film at the Polish Feature Film Festival in Gdynia in 2014.
Photo: Press material

13. Is Doctor Strange, the superhero of the comic and movie series, a doctor?

Photo: Press material
Roof Next question
Doctor Strange, known from the Marvel comics and related films, is indeed a doctor – a world-famous neurosurgeon.

14. The plot of Robert Altman’s film “MASH” about doctors from a field hospital, takes place in:

Civil War
the first world war
Korean War
Korean War Next question
The comedy-drama filmed in 1970 became the canvas for a popular series. Alan Alda played the role of a field doctor with the nickname Falcon in the series, and Donald Sutherland in the film.
Photo: Press material

15. The title “From the Diary of a Young Doctor” was carried in the series popular in the 70s and 80s:

radio skits
short animated films
comic books printed in the weekly “Przekrój”
radio sketches Next question
The author, screenwriter and title character of the series was Ewa Szumańska, a journalist from Wrocław. The series was broadcast on Polish Radio from the mid-70s to 1981, and was reissued in 1989.
Your score: Marnie
Unfortunately, you didn’t get a very good score on this quiz. You know surprisingly little about fictional doctors – we hope you don’t avoid contact with real doctors 😉
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Undoubtedly, you happen to watch medical series or read novels in which characters of doctors appear. And while some of the questions in this quiz were not answered correctly, you have a perfectly good result.
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Your score: Very good!
You know fictional doctors almost as well as you know your friends. A good score on this quiz shows that you are very interested in the medical themes of culture.
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