Doctors: children of sports mothers grow and develop faster

Women who do not give up physical activity during pregnancy are doing a good deed for two: for themselves and for the baby.

Surprisingly, many women still sincerely consider pregnancy, if not a disease, then something close to it. Upon learning of their situation, they immediately take the pose of a “vegetable” – they say, do not touch me, I am growing.

Yes, we admit, there are situations when almost complete immobility is a requirement of doctors for the successful bearing of a baby. But globally for a future mother, moderate loads are necessary – this is a matter of health not only for herself, but also for her future baby.

And this is scientifically proven: a number of studies were carried out at the University of East Carolina. Pregnant women – more than 70 people – were divided into two groups. The first one regularly went in for sports: aerobics three times a week, 45-50 minutes of a treadmill or an exercise bike – to choose from. And so from the 16th to the 36th week of pregnancy. The second did only light stretching and breathing exercises.

The first “bells” appeared when the babies were one month old. Children of mothers who regularly did physical education developed more actively and faster. They began to control the movements of their arms and legs earlier and better, clench their fists, roll over, take objects, and so on. Moreover, girls born in the “sports” group did not lag behind boys in terms of endurance and motor development. Although they usually develop a little later.

“We don’t yet fully understand how the exercise that mom does can help her baby develop further,” research team leader Dr. Linda May told the Daily Mail. – But we assume that the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are produced in small doses during exercise, can pass through the placenta. Adrenaline helps to ‘direct blood’ to the muscles, and this can stimulate the development of endurance in a toddler. “

But there is one more, more logical argument: a trained body works better, and the circulatory system as a whole “feeds” the baby with a large amount of nutrients.

Well, there is no need to talk about the benefits of exercise for mothers: physical activity helps relieve back pain, relieve swelling and constipation. And it can even prevent gestational diabetes.

By the way, did you know that in the United States, pregnant women are recommended to exercise at least 2,5 hours a week? The list of usefulness includes aerobics, dancing, jogging, swimming, and even moderate strength training. The barbell, of course, does not need to be pulled, but the dumbbells are quite. And one more recommendation: starting from the second trimester, it is better not to perform exercises in which you have to lie on your back for too long.

“Physical activity and sports in a fitness mode, that is, non-professional ones, are certainly beneficial for pregnant women and for everyone else. If everything is going well and the obstetrician-gynecologist who is watching you does not mind, physical activity is only welcome.

But there are a few rules to follow.

1. The most important thing is not to drastically change your lifestyle.

If you did not do fitness before pregnancy, then you should not take it up now. In such cases, doctors recommend regular outdoor walks.

2. If a sport has been a part of your life for a long time, then you just need to modify your activities a little.

In the first and third trimesters, it is desirable to reduce their intensity. Throughout pregnancy, it is better to exclude exercises aimed at contracting the rectus abdominis muscles, as well as to exclude lifting heavy objects (more than 5 kg).

3. Yoga instructors generally discourage women who have not actively practiced in the two years prior to pregnancy to do yoga.

4. In no case should you go in for sports if you have no physical strength and desire. This can be a signal that physical activity can be harmful.

Swimming is a very good sport as all muscle groups are involved. The main thing to look out for is personal hygiene in the public pool.

Think about what type of activity you are interested in, make a plan for your activity and discuss it with your doctor. This is the best option! But in any case, do not start training on your own. “

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