Doctors are warning: erectile dysfunction is a warning sign

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Sexual performance is a barometer of men’s health, its disorders may be the first symptom of serious diseases, said the participants of the conference organized in connection with the pan-European campaign under the slogan Make no excuses, talk to a doctor.

Most often, erectile dysfunction is the first symptom of serious diseases – for example, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and neurological diseases. They can be several years ahead of the heart attack. Treatment of the underlying disease can restore sexual performance – said Prof. Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz, national consultant in the field of sexology. Meanwhile, he added, erectile dysfunction (ED) is often not taken seriously or considered normal for middle and old age. Men are reluctant to talk about these disorders because they are related to the emotional sphere and self-esteem.

Stress or emotional problems are there cause erection problems only about 20 percent. cases – believes Dr. Andrzej Depko, vice-president of the Polish Society of Sexual Medicine. According to him, erection problems concern about 189 million men worldwide, in Poland – about 2,6 million. 40 percent men over 40 have erectile dysfunction – but 95% cases can be effectively treated.

As Dr. Depko noted, erectile dysfunction is not considered a health problem. While a woman may visit a gynecologist without a referral, admissions to a urologist are limited, and admissions to a sexologist are not covered by the benefits package. Also, drugs used in erectile dysfunction are not reimbursed, although problems in sexual life are not without impact on social behavior. Not caring about health, we condemn ourselves to erection problems – added Dr. Depko.

According to him, men do not have the habit of taking care of their health and usually think that the problem will be solved by some pill or another, for example bought online. As he said, sometimes they buy drugs that are counterfeited with plaster or glucose. It can also be worse – there are addictive counterfeits that contain drugs – he alarmed.

According to research, a man with erection problems, published last year in Przegląd Urologiczny, waits about two years before deciding to seek medical help.

Supported by the Polish Society of Urology and the Polish Society for Sexual Medicine, the Do not look for excuses, talk to a doctor campaign, initiated by Eli Lilly, is based on an advertising campaign (TV advertisement in 14 European countries), a website and educational activities in clinics and specialist centers. On the website you can get information about your disorder, and you can print a booklet of advice tailored to your symptoms or, for women, your partner’s problems. The website also has a search engine that allows you to find the nearest doctor’s office – to ensure freedom of choice. (PAP)

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