The Omikron BA.5 sub-variant is causing infections and reinfection on an increasing scale. In the case of this coronavirus mutation, the symptoms resemble those known from earlier stages of the pandemic. Which of the symptoms of the Omikron BA.5 sub-option are of greatest concern to physicians? One of the main concerns is high transmissivity.
- Omicron BA.5 is more contagious than the original form of the Omikron mutation
- Loss of smell and taste is more frequent than before among those infected with BA.5
- Patients also report extremely severe sore throats
- You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page
Omicron BA.5 is highly infectious
The appearance of the Omikron BA.5 sub-option is a harbinger of the next wave of the coronavirus epidemic. We are seeing more and more cases of new infections, including reinfection. Experts warn about Omikron and recommend keeping your finger on the pulse and taking care of up-to-date vaccinations.
Professor Peter Chin-Hong representing the UCSF Department of Health and Infectious Diseases draws attention not only to the high contagiousness of BA.5, but also to the risk of reinfection. People who contracted COVID-19 two or three weeks ago may already be at risk again. All because of the high probability that a recent infection was caused by an earlier variant of the coronavirus. Omicron BA.5 is a recent mutation, so the immune system will not be so well prepared to resist an attack from a changed pathogen.
Due to the exceptionally high transmissivity of the BA.5 sub-variant, experts warn that the risk of infection may also be present in crowded open-air places.
Protect yourself against the risk of infection in crowded places. Cover your nose and mouth with biodegradable FFP2 masks or choose a cotton reusable protective mask with a filter.
The new Omikron causes a loss of smell and taste
The previous Omikron sub-variants were distinguished by the fact that patients rarely lost their sense of smell or taste. With BA.5, this trend was reversed and patients again report odor and taste disturbances. While these two symptoms of coronavirus appear more frequently these days, the scale is still smaller than that of the Delta variant.
Extremely severe sore throat with the new Omicron
Although a sore throat is one of the fairly common symptoms of the coronavirus, it turns out to be much more troublesome in the case of Omikron BA.5. According to Dr. Chin-Hong, patients say that with BA.5, they felt as if their throat was on fire. Some even say it’s the worst sore throat of their lives. Currently, sore throat and a scratchy throat are among the most commonly reported symptoms of coronavirus. So if we start to feel a burning sensation in our throat, chances are we have caught COVID-19.
If you notice symptoms of infection that indicate coronavirus, get tested. Apply for the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) test using the Real Time RT-PCR method.