Doctor, why am I so itchy there?

Usually, only every 2-3 women starts talking about pruritus in the intimate areas during the visit. However, if you ask the patient, it turns out that more women are struggling with the problem. I estimate that it is about 40 percent. women.

  1. Itching of the intimate area is most often caused by infections of the intimate area. However, there can be many more reasons, explains Dr. n. med. Tomasz Fuchs, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
  2. It may also be an allergy – for example, to washing powder or latex condoms are made of
  3. Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to this ailment
  4. You can find more similar stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Fuchs, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics

Intimate pruritus is a disease of various etiologies. Acute pruritus appears suddenly – it can be caused by, for example, infections, allergens, a stay in the swimming pool, microtrauma. Chronic pruritus is the result of long-term factors, such as diabetes and estrogen deficiency.

It itches? This is not always the result of an infection

Itching of the intimate areas is most often caused by infections in this area of ​​the body – mainly of a mixed, fungal and bacterial nature. Troublesome ailments are mainly the result of fungal infections, as these pathogens can cause severe itching. It is important to recognize the cause of the itch and the nature of the infection that is causing the symptoms, as treatment direction and medication selection depend on this. In addition to dedicated treatment, remember to supplement the normal bacterial flora with lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus.

The rest of the text is below the video.

An important cause of pruritus in the intimate areas are also allergic reactions. The ailment may appear as a result of contact with various allergens. It can be caused by a new washing powder or fabric softener. In addition to itching in the intimate area, these allergens can also cause changes or redness on the skin. It is important to exclude the presence of a bacterial, fungal or mixed infection in the case of suspected allergy as the cause of pruritus. In the event that itching is caused by an allergy, removing the causative agent, i.e. the allergen, will reduce the discomfort in the intimate area

Another group of pruritus are symptoms that appear as a result of metabolic diseases, for example diabetes. The resulting polyneuropathy can cause itching. Diabetes also predisposes to a higher incidence of bacterial and fungal infections, which may overlap with the itching sensation caused by polyneuropathy. Thus, the pruritus may be caused by the metabolic disease itself, and may be overlapped by inflammation.

Young, active, pregnant – where does this pruritus in intimate areas come from?

Pregnant women are a significant group of women exposed to pruritus in the intimate areas. This is because pregnancy causes changes in the biocenosis of the vaginal and intimate microflora. This can contribute to the development of intimate infections.

Pruritus can also occur in women who have received topical treatment, such as radiation or chemotherapy, or in women who use vaginal medications. The tablet mass may cause irritation of the mucosa and the appearance of itching. Removing the drug from the vagina and then administering it by other means – for example by the oral route – is then resolved. Many women complain of itching after intercourse. The reason may be a change in the vaginal reaction (its environment is acidic, while the semen is alkaline), microtrauma or an allergy to latex from a condom.

Playing sports, staying in the swimming pool, chafing caused by tight clothing can cause a burning sensation in the intimate area. However, these ailments should be considered more in the category of the effects of microdamages and not the pruritus itself. Frequent stays at the pool, longer journeys create conditions in which the physiological bacterial microflora of intimate areas may be disturbed. These areas are then very easily populated by pathogenic pathogenic microorganisms, and their activity results in itching. The aforementioned situations are therefore the grounds on which intimate infections may develop, which will lead to itching ailments.

I would like some relief right now

The treatment of intimate infections and a quick way to alleviate unpleasant symptoms will support the use of dedicated products for external intimate areas – e.g. gels. After application, they bring immediate relief in itching and burning of intimate areas. It should be remembered, however, that their action is only symptomatic and one should not forget about eliminating the cause of itching. Care should be taken when using liquids for washing intimate areas, so that the hygienic procedure does not disturb the balance of the microflora of this area.

Read also:

  1. “I will not go any more, because I will hear that I am letting go”. What do Polish women hear from gynecologists?
  2. What can we “improve” today in the gynecologist’s office?
  3. At the gynecologist she heard: «What do you need your baby for? You can’t do it »

The article comes from the campaign “It’s not talked about – embarrassing diseases” prepared by Warsaw Press, and the media partner of which is MedTvoiLokony. All materials can be found on

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