Doctor: Boston has been with us forever, almost every child will get sick

The frequency of the so-called Boston is not dependent on the region, but on the temperature; it may appear in the late winter or early spring phase, but the peak incidence is most common in the summer; sooner or later almost every child will fall ill with it – pointed out Dr. Monika Wanke-Rytt.

  1. I am surprised that we are talking about this disease now, because it has always been with us and there is a season for it every year – explains Monika Wanke-Rytt, MD, PhD, director of children’s treatment at the Teaching Hospital of the University Clinical Center of the University of Warsaw. Medical
  2. The media recently reported a high number of Boston cases in Podhale
  3. “The frequency of its occurrence does not depend on a specific region, but rather on the temperature recorded,” says Wanke-Rytt
  4. Respond before it’s too late. Get to know your Health Index!
  5. You can find more about the coronavirus on the TvoiLokony home page

Who gets most often with Boston? It infects mainly children attending nurseries and kindergartens. A few days ago, the media circulated the information that it was spreading among the youngest inhabitants of Podhale.

  1. Bostonka attacks. A strange rash is a telltale symptom

«I am surprised that there is talk of this disease now, because it has always been with us and there is a season for it every year. The frequency of its occurrence does not depend on a specific region, but rather on the recorded temperature »- told PAP Dr. Monika Wanke-Rytt, MD, director of children’s treatment at the Teaching Hospital of the University Clinical Center of the Medical University of Warsaw.

As she emphasized, “it often occurs in the late winter or early spring phase, but also in the summer, and this is when infections are the most frequent, although, of course, they can occur throughout the year”. She added that its course in children is usually mild.

The name of the hand, foot, and mouth disease (commonly known as Boston’s or Boston’s disease) refers to the three areas that it usually affects on an infected person’s body. It is caused by viruses from the Coxsackie group, most often responsible for mild infections with different characteristics.

  1. A dash of Boston cases. Doctor: Almost every child will get sick

Dr. Wanke-Rytt pointed out that it is on the hands, feet and in the mouth that blisters, papules and spots, which look different depending on the phase of the disease, can be observed. It may happen, however, that they will also appear on other parts of the body, in addition to the most characteristic points.

The infection most often occurs through droplets, but Boston is also a disease called. dirty hands. «We can get infected through secretions, but also through the exchange of objects between the infected, hence the most cases occur in kindergartens and nurseries. However, it is difficult for such small children who are in them to wash and disinfect their hands after touching toys, so the virus spreads through contaminated objects »- emphasized Dr. Wanke-Rytt.

The pediatrician indicated that the child can be protected in some way from the disease by teaching him how to care for hygiene. However, like other viral or runny nose infections, Boston is hard to avoid. “Sooner or later almost every child will get sick with it” – assessed the doctor.

How to react if it affects the youngest person in our family? The pediatrician indicated that it is best to still remind the other members to wash their hands frequently and avoid contact with the patient’s secretions. «Although, of course, it’s hard to tell a mother to avoid her XNUMX-year-old child who is going through a Boston. Especially that in an adult it can be asymptomatic or mild, so it is not a disease that we must avoid at all costs ”- said Dr. Wanke-Rytt.

However, she noted that some adults may not be so lucky. «You can get sick several times, but the first infection is the worst. So you might be unlucky and get infected for the first time at the age of thirty. Then the course, as in the case of smallpox, will be more severe, although this is also not the rule »- pointed out the doctor.

Painful lesions in the mouth can be particularly troublesome, both in the case of children and adults. It is then difficult to consume fluids and food, which can be especially dangerous for the youngest. «There is no need to consult a doctor if the child is in good general condition and his condition does not raise any concerns. However, due to changes in the mouth, children often refuse to drink, they also refuse to eat »explained Dr. Wanke-Rytt.

She emphasized that you should then keep your hand on the pulse, and if such indications appear, go with the child to the hospital, so that he would be given a drip.

Author: Nadia Senkowska

Read also:

  1. Is Boston in adults possible?
  2. This is not an ordinary rash. What You Need To Know About Boston Disease?
  3. Bostonka in children. Ways to prevent this disease are child’s play

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