Do your legs hurt at night? Don’t take it lightly! The seven most common causes

The excruciating leg pain does not always have to be related to limb injuries. Sometimes it is caused by a disease, a shortage of valuable minerals, as well as fatigue. What could be the causes of leg pain during sleep and in the morning?

  1. One of the common causes of leg pain, especially in women, is Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
  2. Pains at night, however, can also be caused by varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, as well as sciatica
  3. Leg pain may also be related to chronic stress, electrolyte imbalance or an infection developing in our body
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While the pain caused by trauma is understandable to us, discomfort in the lower limbs suddenly appearing in the middle of the night is not always clear cut. There can be many reasons for this. Sometimes the pain is related only to the deficiency of valuable minerals that we can easily replenish. Unfortunately, some leg pains have definitely more serious causes. It is worth remembering that chronic leg pain should not be underestimated and, if necessary, contact a doctor immediately.

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Leg pain at night this could be Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common disorder of pain and tingling in the extremities. These symptoms appear in the evening or at night and the only temporary relief is the movement of the legs. Unfortunately, “walking” during sleep makes it difficult to rest and may contribute to increased pain after waking up. The frequency of RLS occurrence varies – sometimes symptoms appear several times a month, but there is also the possibility of experiencing everyday ailments.

The risk of developing Restless Legs Syndrome increases with age. Additionally, it is mostly women who struggle with it. In order to prevent its symptoms, it is necessary to introduce an appropriate diet and modify the lifestyle. Sometimes pharmacotherapy is also used.

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Leg pain and varicose veins

Varicose veins, i.e. permanent widening of the veins, is an ailment that most often affects the surface veins, and less frequently the deep veins. Most often, varicose veins affect the lower limbs and have the form of tortuous veins visible under the skin, which are dilated, elongated and visibly protruding.

The main factor that promotes the formation of varicose veins is genetic predisposition. However, they can also appear as a result of being overweight, standing or sitting for a long time, smoking, or with age. Patients experience painful contractions and dull pain that can accompany them around the clock, including waking up at night.

The basic method of conservative therapy in the case of varicose veins is the use of compression stockings or knee socks. Varicose veins can also be treated pharmacologically, laser or invasively by traditional removal of the inefficient vein. In the case of varicose veins, sclerotherapy is also used.

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Deep vein thrombosis and night pain in the legs

Venous thrombosis may be asymptomatic and may involve both superficial and deep veins. However, increasing pain or swelling in the limbs at rest may signal the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis. It is an extremely dangerous vascular disease that causes blood clots to form in the veins – usually in the thigh or lower leg.

Untreated thrombosis leads to chronic lower limb ischemia. It is also a direct threat to life by increasing the risk of pulmonary embolism.

If you want to reduce leg pain, reach for LiotoMax DUO Gel for Sore and Tired Legs. We also recommend Leg Relief – a herbal set currently available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

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Leg pain at night. Muscle tears

The pain in the calves that wake us up at night can also be caused by stretching or even tearing the muscles. This symptom is most often the result of insufficient stretching or too intense training. Although this pain occurs at the time of injury, in order to be able to rest at night, the leg should be kept in an elevated position, e.g. on a platform made of pillows.

Therapy in the case of a torn muscle is primarily rest and the use of cold compresses. When the pain and swelling begin to disappear, start gently stretching the torn muscle so that it does not become stiff. Rehabilitation exercises are also recommended.

Sciatica causes leg pain at night

Sudden pain in the leg, specifically the lower leg or foot, may also be a symptom of an attack of sciatica. This disease is actually a syndrome that affects the spine. The characteristic, stabbing pain most often occurs in the lower spine and is generated by compression of the sciatic nerve. However, it can radiate to the buttock or lower extremities.

Sciatica is recurrent and can occur when you least expect it.

Pain in muscles and joints related to infections

Both viral and bacterial infections can cause muscle pain. They are usually associated with the flu or a cold, during which pain occurs even at rest and affects various parts of the muscles, including the leg. Often these symptoms are also accompanied by, inter alia, increased temperature and excessive sweating. These kinds of pains are usually referred to as articular pain.

However, in the case of a bacterial infection, the pain may only affect one muscle group. It is caused by infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, e.g. when injured by a dirty object. Untreated bacterial infection can infect the muscle tissue, which in turn leads to the appearance of pain symptoms.

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Tension pain in the legs at night

Leg pain can also be of a psychological nature. Strong, long-term stress and tension affect the work of the entire body – including muscles. Constant nervousness makes them contract faster and tighten, thus increasing the resting tension of the muscles. The discomfort can worsen especially at night after a long day of stress.

Therefore, before going to bed, it is worth lubricating the legs with LiotoMax Gel for tired and heavy legs.

Electrolyte imbalance and leg pain

The electrolytes include sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Their presence in the body supports the proper work of muscles. However, a deficiency can cause leg cramps, make you feel weak or numb. The pain caused by the contractions is acute and most often felt in the calves.

Electrolyte deficiency usually results from consuming excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol, which flush out magnesium and potassium from our body. We also lose electrolytes during hot weather and intense training. A CBD cream can help with tired legs.

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