Do you want to take care of your health? Do these six things every morning

A good start to the day can significantly affect our further functioning. In addition to a filling breakfast, we should also include several other activities in the morning routine that will support the work of our body. Experts explain which morning activities are worth doing regularly.

  1. Each morning should start with a wholesome, healthy breakfast. A glass of lemon water can also be a good addition
  2. One effective way to get up early is to consciously not napping
  3. However, there are more ways to stimulate the body to work, they include, among others, a cold shower and physical activity
  4. It is also important to find a moment for ourselves that we can devote to writing down a few pages of a journal or focusing on our own breathing
  5. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Mornings are often one of the most stressful moments of the day. Not only do we have to get up at the right time and get enough sleep at the same time, but we also have to be prepared to leave the house all day long. We often also have to remember about our four-legged friends and children who need to prepare and get to school or kindergarten. So there can be a lot of morning duties.

In the case of remote work, finding a moment for yourself may be a little easier. However, it is worth remembering that also in this case the morning routine should take place before starting work.

  1. Do you get up in the morning and feel like an old man? Scientists know how to solve this problem

Do you know how to take care of your health? Complete the survey and check what condition you are in. It only takes a few minutes

Eat a nutritious breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – many of us have heard this phrase many times. So when we are talking about healthy morning practices, we must remember that breakfast is their foundation.

Thanks to a nutritious breakfast, we gain energy for further work, and our concentration improves. «Children and adults who eat breakfast are better focused at school and work, and it can help reduce the cravings that result from unfulfilled hunger»Says Toronto nutritionist Andy De Santis in an interview with the Canadian TV network Global News. As the nutritionist emphasizes, a healthy breakfast can consist of products such as milk or eggs, but it can also be based only on plant products.

  1. Here’s what will happen to your body when you eat an avocado every day

Further part below the video.

Stop hitting the snooze button

Before we can start preparing breakfast, however, we need to wake up. Unfortunately, repeatedly triggered naps will not help us with this. However, if you refrain from pressing the snooze button every morning, you will slowly but surely learn to get out of bed as soon as you hear the alarm clock. Standing up early not only gives us more time in the morning, it also activates the body to function.

Do you suffer from a constant lack of vitality? A set of energy supplements to increase the body’s efficiency may prove to be a solution.

take a cold shower

Another way to refresh yourself in the morning is a cold shower. «It wakes you up and energizes you like nothing else, and when the water finally gets warm, you appreciate it 1000 times more»Explains De Santis. A cold shower should last from 5 to 10 minutes, but for the first few contacts with winter water, the flow should be adjusted gradually, starting with warm water. Regular cold showering can also reduce the risk of swelling, improve skin condition and stimulate the immune system.

Reach for a glass of lemon water

Compounds contained in lemon (so-called terpenes) stimulate the production of saliva and digestive enzymes, which greatly facilitates the digestive process. Lemon water also helps remove toxins from the body and lowers cholesterol. Nutritionists, however, recommend drinking moderate amounts of this drink, preferably a glass a day 30 minutes before or after a meal. It is also worth remembering that lemon juice weakens the enamel, so it is very important to rinse your mouth thoroughly after each consumption.

Your body has been without water for eight hours, and people don’t usually drink enough water. Start your day with a glass of lemon water

– emphasizes Anna He, a wellness expert from Toronto.

  1. See also: The Surprising Effects of Drinking Lemon Water. It’s time you made a habit of it

Make time for yourself

If you can find more time, spend that time starting your day with a little physical activity, meditation, or writing a few pages of a journal. This is the time when we can focus on ourselves. Writing a journal is a great way to organize your thoughts, and meditation gives you a moment of pause.

Performing a few even the simplest exercises will not only stimulate our body, but also affect its overall condition and the quality of our life. In addition, morning physical activity can motivate us to more frequent, more demanding exercises and to maintain a healthy diet.

Stretching can also be an extremely pleasant and beneficial element of our morning routine.

Pose your baby or bring your knees up to your chest before you even get out of bed. This helps stretch your lower and upper back and relieve any tension from your hips

– explains Inderjot Sandhar, a yoga instructor from Mississauga, Ont, to Global News.

Just breathe

Sandhar also reminds us to cleanse our body by focusing on the breath. There are many breathing techniques with which we can calm our nervous system. Then the stress that bothers us reduces its impact, and we become more relaxed. You only need to spend 3 to 10 minutes for this type of activity.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were wondering why switching our thinking and acting to slow life is a real challenge? Why is listening to your needs so important? What will it do for us? You will hear about it below.

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