Do you want to lose weight? You cannot make these mistakes!

Do you dream of a perfect figure, but don’t know how to achieve it? First of all, see what not to do. We present the most common pitfalls that diets fall into. Don’t let these mistakes happen to you too!

The next diet did not bring positive results? Perhaps you are making mistakes that take you away from your goal. It turns out that not only the diet affects our figure. It is also important what lifestyle we lead. See the most common mistakes made by dieters.

What should we not do on a diet?

Eating too little food

If you want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, you should choose a reduction diet. This means that during the day the amount of calories consumed must be significantly reduced. However, is it related to the constant feeling of hunger? Definitely not! On the contrary, you cannot starve yourself or cut back on food, as this only causes increasing frustration. In addition, it does not make unnecessary kilograms disappear. On the contrary, the scale stops in place.

So how do you avoid feeling hungry on a diet? First of all, eat regular meals approximately every 3-4 hours. Each of them should be rich in fiber and protein. Thanks to this, you will avoid another trap, which is snacking.

Further part under the video.

Snacking between meals

Very often, people who have a poorly chosen reduction diet start snacking between meals. No wonder, because it is difficult to function normally with a constant feeling of hunger. However, if you must reach for a small snack, make it something worthwhile. These can be, for example, dried fruit, almonds or cashews. It’s important not to eat them straight from the packet! This way, you lose control of how much you eat. Remember to extract portions each time. Take a handful of peanuts and hide the package so that it won’t tempt you again.

Too little sleep

As it turns out, not only how much and how we eat affects our weight. Sleep is also important. If a dieter does not get enough sleep, he is more likely to eat between meals the next day. At least that’s what a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shows. According to the researchers, people who sleep less than seven hours eat far more caloric snacks than those who get enough sleep.

Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet

There is a misconception that carbohydrates make you gain weight. That is why many people limit them significantly on their menu. This is wrong thinking. Carbohydrates are very necessary for our body to function properly. Among other things, they give him energy to act. However, it should be noted that carbohydrates can be divided into simple and complex. The former are not so beneficial for our body. We can find them, among others, in sweets and salty snacks. That is why these products should disappear from our menu. Let’s replace them with fruit and nuts. These, in turn, are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, thanks to which our brain and central nervous system work flawlessly.

Drinking too little water

If we are on a diet, we should consume at least 1,5 liters of water a day. It is the basis for the functioning of our body. When we are dehydrated, we begin to trap any fluids. And this does not support the weight loss process. On the contrary, it causes more and more kilos to appear on the weight.

Too fast weight loss

Remember that a healthy diet is one in which you lose about 0,5-1 kg per week. It should be a long process. You cannot keep calories to a minimum as it puts a huge strain on your body. If the caloric deficit is too high, you may experience fainting, loss of muscle mass, hair loss, or problems with concentration. In addition, it favors the appearance of the yo-yo effect. Therefore, before switching to a diet, it is worth planning it properly or consulting a dietitian who will help you make changes to your diet in a safe and reasonable way.

You are on a diet? Try a set of supplements supporting weight loss

Also read:

  1. 10 ways to lose weight healthy – how to lose weight wisely?
  2. Diseases that make it difficult to lose weight
  3. Slimming diet – how to lose weight wisely?

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