Do you want to lose weight? Bet on walking. How Much Can You Drop?

The common opinion is still a misconception that only murderous workouts can bring the effect of losing extra kilos. Every now and then we hear that to achieve your dream figure, you should exercise cardio for at least 1,5 hours a day, visit the gym after work, and at the weekend it is best to run an additional royal distance. Let’s face it, not all of us were born an athlete, not everyone has the time, physical abilities and willingness to do so. In fact, we can burn calories in many ways, and the most effective training should be considered the one that we are able to include in our daily routine for a long time, preferably forever. This is what walking is like.

Walks for weight loss

For this reason, walks can be the key to success for many. Not only do we burn a significant number of calories during them, they are very pleasant, but they also have many health benefits. They are recommended for people with cardiovascular or rheumatic diseases for a reason. Lowering blood pressure, better blood supply to organs, less pain in joints, and improved mobility are just some of the advantages of regular walks.

Okay, but how much can we actually burn while walking? It really depends on several factors. Fortunately, many of them are influenced by ourselves.

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Walking is something that we can strongly modify (depending on our needs and capabilities). On average, during an hour’s walk at an average pace, you can burn from 200 to even 500 calories. It is as if we were wiping out one or two meals from our daily menu. And this is the essence of slimming – by creating a negative energy balance, we make our way to the dream reduction. Of course, a spectacular transformation will not be possible without the use of a personalized diet, while additional physical activity is one of the most important allies of the weight loss process.

Also try the dietary supplement in the form of TALIA-MAX tea with garcinia cambogia. You can buy the preparation at Medonet Market.

It is true that older age is associated with a reduction in basic metabolism, while according to the latest research, the differences between people of different ages are not large enough to significantly affect the final reduction result. In addition, the more we weigh and have more muscle tissue, the greater the energy expenditure will be. For example, when going for an hour long walk, a family of three burned a total of 857 kcal, including dad 353 kcal (51 years, 90 kg), mother 275 kcal (47 years, 74 kg) and daughter 223 kcal (24 years, 59 kg) ).

The Omron BF-511 Body Composition and Weight Analyzer, which you can buy on Medonet Market, will help you control your weight loss results. To speed up this process, it is worth using the appropriate preparations. Choose, for example, a set of YANGO slimming supplements (Green Tea and CLA). See also what other weight loss supplements are available on Medonet Market.

Walking – how to walk to lose weight? Expert’s tricks

Theoretically, not much is needed for a successful walk. The basis is actually comfortable shoes. Nothing discourages you from continuing your walk more than aching, chafed skin.

However, if we want to optimize our walks, and thus generate more energy expenditure, we can use a few tricks. One way is to simply extend the duration of the walk. We can start with 15 minutes. on the way back home (getting off, for example, two stops earlier), and after some time transform them in 30 minutes. wandering along city paths.

Of course, extending the time indefinitely is impossible and can be downright discouraging – in such a case, the better solution is simply increasing the pace of walking. It is worth ensuring optimal conditions then, i.e. choose a route that will not force you to make frequent stops or keep looking at your feet for fear of further holes in the pavement. During a smooth walk, you will burn much more calories than during a leisurely walk without being out of breath. To strengthen the effects of physical exercise, reach for Talia Weight – Pharmovit liquid supplement available at at a promotional price.

For more advanced people, a great solution will be to include ascents or intervals. To engage the muscles even more, you should also try Nordic walking or additional weight – you can find interesting gadgets on the market, such as Velcro weights around the wrists.

Any sports watches and pedometers, ideally with a heart rate monitor attached, will certainly be useful in monitoring your progress. Of course, their accuracy in terms of energy expenditure measurements varies, but they are great as a portable archive of sports achievements, and sometimes even a small motivator. It is nice to look at the documented, completed trainings – this is the moment when we can be very proud of ourselves.

  1. At Medonet Market you can buy the myBand 4family wristband equipped with a pedometer, blood pressure monitor and heart rate monitor

But let’s not focus too much on the numbers. Let’s think about a walk as a chance to de-stress after a hard day, an opportunity to listen to a new album or favorite podcast, or finally take the pooch for a longer trip around the area.

Let’s also walk in the company of family and friends, not only on crowded sidewalks, but also along forest paths. Let this be a special time for our body and spirit. Let us treat taking the first step as our first small success, and the bigger one – developing a “walking” habit. Only this approach will make it possible to maintain the habit for a long time, with the benefit of our health and well-being. In combination with an appropriate diet, the care of a physiotherapist, the slimming process will be pleasant and, most importantly, effective.

The acorn coffee, which you can find at Medonet Market, has a positive effect on weight loss. It is rich in easily digestible starch, thanks to which it gives a feeling of fullness, reducing the urge to snack. To support fat burning, you can also drink 1000ml Artichoke Juice.

Michał Wrzosek

Clinical dietitian. PhD student at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

My diet helped over 9 people achieve their dream figure. This year my pupils lost 610 kg. Find out more:

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