Do you want to gain weight? Start losing weight

Restrictive diets always result in a yo-yo effect. After a spectacular loss of weight, the terrified body slows down the metabolism, because it does not know when you will threaten it with exhaustion again. Builds up fatty tissue reserves. Hence, most of the sharp weight loss ends up not only returning to the previous weight, but also exceeding it. Learn the myths about weight loss.

  1. The most common mistake while losing weight is looking for quick and drastic solutions that will help you lose as much weight as possible in the shortest possible time.
  2. Many people, especially women, are eager to test various types of fasting and slimming supplements, and exclude many products from the diet, and even whole groups without consulting a dietitian.
  3. It often involves a drastic reduction in calorific value, which means that we risk binge eating attacks and it is a straightforward way to the yo-yo effect
  4. It is also recently fashionable to replace one of the meals with juice. Unfortunately, even if it is freshly squeezed, it is a defective “meal” consisting mainly of carbohydrates that quickly raise blood glucose levels – and this promotes weight gain

.How to lose weight healthy and without the yo-yo effect?

If we want an effective and long-lasting effect, we must focus on building proper eating habits. It is worth consulting a dietitian who will help you choose the right diet. Use is also effective

from dietary catering, thanks to which we will provide ourselves with a set of meals for the whole day. We should also remember that the recommended rate of weight loss is a loss of 0,5-1 kg per week.

Myth # 1: The fruit and vegetable diet is effective for weight loss and is very healthy

Vegetables and fruits are a very important element of a healthy diet, but a menu based solely on fruits and vegetables is a deficient diet and is not recommended by nutritionists.

For people who want to exclude animal products from the menu, a vegan diet will be much better. A properly composed vegan menu includes good unsaturated fats, complex carbohydrates derived from whole grains and protein derived from legumes. Remember that not every product with the “vegan” label is healthy. Examples include cookies, which mainly contain sugar, palm oil or margarine, light wheat flour

and artificial flavors or hard candies that contain only sugar, citric acid

and dyes.

Myth # 2: A gluten-free diet makes losing weight easier

– With a gluten-free diet, we often eliminate a number of products that are unfavorable to our figure, such as wheat flour products, i.e. bread, cakes, cookies, pasta. In addition, we include more vegetables and fruits, as well as products with a lower glycemic index, e.g. buckwheat noodles or legume seeds such as chickpeas, beans or peas. Losing weight is therefore primarily the result of a healthier diet. – says Paulina Barros, dietitian specialist, nutrition manager at Maczfit, a company that provides balanced catering.

Myth # 3: “Bad genes” and “poor metabolism” make it difficult to lose weight.

In some cases, genes can make it difficult to lose extra pounds. However, more often the problems arise for completely different reasons:

– We often do not control the amount of food and calories consumed, and if we start looking for errors in our menu, we think first of all about main meals, and forget about drinking them with juice or tea with sugar.

We also do not include coffees with fatty milk drunk during the day, which also contain additional calories. It also happens that we do not take into account the snacks we are served at work by colleagues … and yet each candy, piece of cake or even fruit is another calories. – says Paulina Barros, dietitian specialist, nutrition manager at Maczfit.

Myth # 4: Reducing the number of meals and portion sizes guarantees weight loss

Reducing the portions of meals has both its pros and cons. On the one hand, consuming fewer calories leads to an energy deficit, thanks to which we lose weight and burn fat tissue. On the other hand, less does not always mean healthier. A breakfast classic, a white bread sandwich with cold cuts and cheese

and a slice of tomato this is not a wholesome dish. By limiting the size and number of such meals, it is easy to lead to nutritional deficiencies. In addition, an improperly balanced meal makes us feel hungry again an hour after eating it.

Instead of restricting food of dubious quality, it would be enough to make better food choices and reach for food with a lower energy density.

Many people starting to lose weight under the supervision of a dietitian are surprised that “you can eat so much and lose weight at the same time”. This proves that the most important thing is a well-balanced diet and developing proper eating habits.

The most common mistakes made while losing weight

– When losing weight, unfortunately, still a popular mistake is looking for fast ones

and drastic solutions. Many people are eager to test various types of fasting

and slimming supplements, excludes entire product groups without consulting a dietitian,

or completely unnecessarily, very drastically reduces the caloric value of your diet, from where there is a simple way to the yo-yo effect. It is also recently fashionable to replace one

with meals with juice. Unfortunately, even if it is freshly squeezed, it is a defective “meal” consisting mainly of carbohydrates that quickly raise blood glucose levels – and this promotes weight gain. Instead of juice, I recommend a wholesome snack prepared on the basis of mixed fruit with yogurt or kefir and a tablespoon of linseed, nuts or seeds. – says dietitian Paulina Barros.

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