Do you want to discover 5 trendy dinners with which you can lose weight?

Do you want to discover 5 trendy dinners with which you can lose weight?

Eating well and losing weight has never been so easy with a balanced dinner.

In the run-up to Summer, healthy eating habits not only help us to take care of ourselves on the inside but also to lose those extra kilos that are so desired in this season of the year.

We propose half a dozen Recipes to dine well and efficiently to achieve our ideal weight.

First recipe

Arugula, shrimp and avocado salad

Avocado could not be more fashionable And it is not for less, since its consumption is very beneficial for health. In this dish, accompanied by arugula and shrimp, it results in a dinner loaded with nutrients with which, in addition, you will not go hungry.

The amounts of the aforementioned ingredients that you will need are:

  • 100 grams of arugula.
  • 30 grams of fresh shrimp.
  • 1 avocado


  1. Start by grilling the shrimp. Before putting them on the grill, proceed to make a few small cuts with the knife, which will help the shrimp not “bulge” and maintain its shape.
  2. While the shrimp are being cooked, take the opportunity to chop the avocado.
  3. Place the arugula, previously washed and drained, in a bowl. Next, add the chopped avocado and shrimp on top.
  4. Finally, add a drizzle of olive oil And, to give it a different touch, add a little lemon juice.

Second recipe

Caprese salad

Without a doubt, thanks to the inclusion of mozzarella, this is a different salad with which the vision you have of them will totally change.

The ingredients are:

  • A tomato, to cut it into slices.
  • 100 grams of mozzarella cheese.
  • Fresh Basil Leaves
  • Olive oil.


  1. Cut the tomato and mozzarella into slices and place them on a plate. To make it more attractive to the eye, we advise you to alternate a tomato slice and a mozzarella slice.
  2. Then place some basil leaves above. If you don’t have fresh basil, you can always use powdered basil.
  3. Then pour in a drizzle of olive oil.
  4. In conclusion, add pepper and salt to taste.

Third recipe

Merluza al ghee

The dinners to lose weight not only live on salads, but also on fish, as in this case of hake accompanied by ghee and parsley

Fish is one of the best allies for nutrition and, in turn, its intake provides few calories.

The ingredients you need are:

  • Two hake fillet of 100-150 grams each
  • Half a tablespoon of ghee.
  • A few sprigs of Parsley.
  • A lemon.


  1. Dry the hake fillets and season to taste with lemon, salt and pepper.
  2. Over medium heat, add half the ghee and cook the hake for one minute on each side.
  3. Lower the heat to a minimum and add the missing ghee.
  4. Plating the hake and add the chopped pre-rejil on top.

Fourth recipe

Sweet ham and asparagus rolls

This dish is very visually striking and if you have a visitor, with it you will become the fashion host.

The ingredients for this recipe are:

  • 12 cooked white asparagus
  • 4 slices of ham.
  • 4 Chives Branches
  • 1 branch of curly parsley


  1. Place the slices of ham vertically on the kitchen counter.
  2. Mount 3 asparagus on each slice of ham, roll them up and tie them with a sprig of chives
  3. Finally, add chives and parsley on top.

Fifth recipe

Salmon salad

El salmon It is a very popular ingredient and with many nutrients, among them, it is rich in Omega 3, ideal for our body, so it could not be missing in these fashionable recipes.

The ingredients are:

  • 100 grams of fresh lettuce Mix
  • A Red Onion (if it is small, use 2).
  • 25 grams of cucumber.
  • 6 cherry tomatoes.
  • 50 grams of smoked salmon.


  1. Clean the lettuce. While it drains, chop the cucumber into cubes, and slice the onion.
  2. Place the lettuce in a bowl and, Put on top the onion in julienne with the cucumber and tomatoes, mix everything.
  3. Add the Tomatitos cut in half on top and the salmon, which you will have previously cut into medium pieces.

We have taught you 5 recipes with which you can not only become the host of fashion, but you can also lose weight and satisfy all your appetite.

Not bad, right?

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