It happens that in some people migraine is triggered by the consumption of inappropriate products. The way we eat has a huge impact on our well-being, which is why the wrong menu can cause various diseases or worsen their symptoms. These types of diseases are referred to as diet-related – one of them is migraine.
To characterize what is causing this ailment, it is best to carefully observe your reactions. A good way is to keep a diary of migraine attacks, including what happened before the attack, what we ate, what we did, etc. This way we will identify the factors that trigger the attacks.
A migraine is not an ordinary, more severe headache. It is a disease manifested by attacks of pain, often throbbing, strong and one-sided. It can last from 4 hours to even 3 days. Symptoms are also accompanied by: photophobia, hypersensitivity to smells, nausea, sometimes vomiting, hypersensitivity to sound, general irritability and appetite disorders. Sometimes attacks are preceded by the so-called “aura” or facial numbness lasting 15-30 minutes, blurred vision, bright zigzags, but this occurs in only 10% of migraine cases.
How often attacks occur also depends on individual predispositions. Most often, they are noted one to three times a month, but there are patients who suffer as many as 15 days a month. Usually, the pain intensifies as a result of strong emotions, as a result of physical exertion or just after eating certain foods. So what to avoid with frequent migraines? What can cause and worsen symptoms? Migraine sufferers are advised not to eat:
- Nuts, i.e. any peanuts, peanut crisps or peanut butter,
- Fish – tuna, salmon, mackerel, seafood,
- citrus and fruit juices, mainly those with preservatives,
- Chocolate and other productsthat contain or resemble it, and thus even chocolate-flavored milks, croissants with buttercream, and straciatella yoghurts. Unfortunately, this delicacy contains tyramine, which raises blood pressure and heart rate, and from there it is not far from a migraine attack.
- legumes, i.e. bloating and sensitizing products (beans, soybeans, beans, etc.),
- Heavy dishes and deep-fried, because they cause problems with cholesterol and lead to headaches – high-fat products can cause migraines,
- dairy products – yoghurts, buttermilk, long-ripened cheeses,
- Hot spices and salt – excess salt increases blood pressure,
- fast food,
- Some fruits and vegetables – avocados, bananas, overripe figs, strawberries, fruit with damaged skin, tomatoes, pineapples,
- Chemical additives in food and processed products, i.e. sweeteners, chewing gums, powdered dishes, stock cubes, sausages, highly processed meat, sausages, canned meat,
- Caffeinated drinks – black tea, coffee, cola, energy drinks, although much depends on the individual feelings of patients,
- Alcohol – mainly red wine containing phenolic compounds that cause headaches.