Do you suffer from diabetes? Meditate because it works

Scientists divided the participants of the experiment into two groups. The first group was assigned a strict diabetes plan, with particular emphasis on nutritional information. On the other hand, the participants of the second group underwent training aimed at directly influencing their “nutritional mentality”. Elements of conscious meditation have been introduced and educated on the issues of healthy selection of nutritional products. Also introduced for both groups additional physical activity and regular meetings. All participants (aged 35 to 65) had type 2 diabetes for at least a year and were overweight. After three months, it turned out that people belonging to both experimental groups lost weight to the same extent (from 1,5 to 6 kilograms). Moreover, their blood sugar levels dropped significantly. The author of the experiment, Carla Miller (Ohio State University) describes the common methods of managing diabetes: “traditional nutritional education is about making people aware of the essence of the disease, with particular emphasis on the diet.” However, it is usually a determination rigid goals (e.g. carbohydrate and fat intake). Carla Miller emphasizes how the key role in diabetics can be played by taking just a few moments to think about what what we need at the moment. Well, we should spend more time consciously assessing how hungry we are and what is worth eating. And of course when to stop.

The nutritional mentality training (second group) was called “Smart Choices”. It consisted, first of all, in cultivating the “inner wisdom” that shapes the awareness of healthy eating. The second element is “outer wisdom”, which is the knowledge of the proper nutrition of people with diabetes. As Carla Miller reminds us, people diagnosed with diabetes only in adulthood obviously need traditional nutritional education. Therefore, Smart Choices therapy should be an addition, not a substitute. Also, managing your diabetes will be more effective if you are alone the sick will have a choice – especially if both methods have proved to be equally effective. source:

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