Do you suffer from chronic fatigue? Here’s what could be causing it

Do you have a problem with getting up in the morning, you feel lethargic, complain about a drop in concentration and energy? It is a group of symptoms known as chronic fatigue. It may be related to an inappropriate lifestyle, but it may also be a signal of disturbing changes in the body, such as developing chronic diseases.

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1/ 7 Not enough red blood cells!

Sometimes, to regain vigor, it is enough to make a few adjustments to your daily activity. Better to get enough sleep, modify your diet (reduce sugar and processed foods), exercise more, and spend more time in the fresh (preferably “out-of-town”) air. If these simple solutions do not help, it is possible that the underlying causes of the loss of energy lie deeper. Then it is worth consulting a doctor who will recommend appropriate tests. Red blood cells have a strategic function in the body: they transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. The hemoglobin they contain combines with oxygen molecules and delivers them to cells, which use them to create chemicals. When the number of red blood cells drops below a certain level, it develops into a condition known as anemia. It manifests itself, inter alia, in constant tiredness, weakness, chest pains, rapid heartbeat. Anemia is not an independent disease, but a symptom of problems with the circulatory system and a risk factor for the development of certain diseases. Usually, it is caused by a deficiency of iron or vitamin B9 (folic acid) or B12.

2/ 7 Diabetes Warning

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most serious and common chronic diseases. It is the result of a bad lifestyle: a diet based on processed foods, high in sugar and trans fats, limited physical activity and excess stress. A feeling of constant fatigue combined with increased thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, and dizziness may indicate a developing disease. In such a situation, it is worth undergoing blood tests, taking into account the concentration of glucose, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. It is estimated that up to half of diabetics may not be aware of their disease due to the early stage of its development. When diabetes is diagnosed early, appropriate lifestyle changes can keep it from developing.

3/ 7 Thyroid to be checked!

The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands in our body. It is responsible for the production of hormones that regulate metabolism. Unfortunately, this organ often fails (even 30% of Poles can have problems with it!), And diseases associated with it develop slowly and may go undiagnosed for many years. Problems with the thyroid gland can be caused by an underactive or overactive thyroid. While in the latter case, one of the main symptoms is hyperactivity, in the former – weakness, chronic fatigue, slowness, drowsiness, apathy, impaired concentration and memory, as well as muscle pain and cramps. Hypothyroidism can be the result of iodine deficiency, smoking, or too much stress.

4/ 7 Out of breath while sleeping

This is a problem that may affect up to every tenth man and every twentieth woman. It is a sleep apnea syndrome that manifests itself with respiratory disorders during sleep: apnea or shallow breathing. The immediate cause of this ailment is sagging of the throat and tongue muscles, which leads to blockage of air flow to the lungs. This contributes to hypoxia in the body and increases blood pressure. People suffering from sleep apnea complain of weakness during the day, headaches, decreased concentration. This syndrome is a serious health problem that increases the risk of chronic disease and death, for example from stroke. The development of ailments is fostered by the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes, poor diet and obesity.

5/ 7 Depression – weakens the spirit and body

It is sometimes perceived as a mere drop in mood. Meanwhile, depression is a serious disease that affects the overall functioning of the body, including physical fitness. People suffering from depression struggle with a general “breakdown”, low energy, irritability, lack of motivation to act. These symptoms are accompanied by sleep disturbances and loss of appetite, which further aggravate the weakness. If untreated, depression can last for months or even years, often going undiagnosed for long periods of time. Unfortunately, there is no test that would unambiguously indicate or exclude this disease. The more that its course is usually very individual. There is also no miracle pill that can heal her. Psychotherapy and pharmacological agents can help, but they are not free from side effects.

6/ 7 Or maybe the problem lies in the intestines?

The gut is sometimes called the second brain. They contain as many as 100 million cells of the nervous system! They are responsible for the body’s immunity and have a huge impact on our health as a whole. Unfortunately, for some time there has been an increase in the incidence of diseases related to the functioning of this organ. They are collectively called inflammatory bowel disease (IMB), which covers a variety of conditions with a specific course and often unclear causes. Diseases on the IMB spectrum can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. Usually there are digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation), abdominal pain, weight loss, as well as depressed mood and energy loss.

7/ 7 Fatigue from… fatigue

Chronic fatigue is an increasingly common problem – and often there is no clear cause. This does not mean that it does not exist at all, but it is difficult to diagnose due to the limitations of medical knowledge. Therefore, researchers trying to somehow “grasp” the problem coined the term “chronic fatigue syndrome” (CFS) for it. Although CFS has the unofficial status of a civilization disease, it is not entered in the international disease register. And probably right, because in fact it can be the result of many diseases or minor ailments. Scientists speculate that immune system disorders, allergies, viral infections and metabolic disorders may contribute to the syndrome.

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