Do you store the mask in the car? See how effective it is. For your own good
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A protective mask is still one of the most important tools in the fight against coronavirus. However, if you are one of the people who use one mask all day long and keep it in the car during breaks, we have bad news for you. Wearing it does not provide good protection and can even be dangerous. We explain.

  1. Wearing face masks is one of the most important ways to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (next to hygiene and distance)
  2. Prof. Gut: one mask worn all day or taken out of a pocket or bag again exposes us to infection not only with coronavirus, but also with other dangerous pathogens
  3. Scientists remind: a moist mask is no longer effective. Moisture restricts air flow and consequently virus filtering is reduced
  4. Dr. Grzesiowski: do not use surgical and cotton masks for more than three hours
  5. It is important (especially in winter) to always have at least one spare clean mask (kept in a zip-up bag)
  6. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

We cannot treat the protective mask anyhow

Wearing face masks is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (alongside hygiene and distance). “It is rarely seen that something so simple and cheap would have such a great impact” – the words of Dr. Christopher Murray of the University of Washington, comments on CNN do not lose their relevance.

However, in order for the mask to fulfill its task, we must wear it correctly, i.e. cover the nose and mouth with it, it is also important that it fits well. We cannot treat the masks just like that. This is important information for people who, while driving a car, hang the hood on the rearview mirror or hide it in the glove box, and when necessary – put it on again (using the same one for the whole day or even for several days).

  1. Masks reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection by up to a thousand times

This is also important information for people who come home, hang the mask on a hook in the corridor, and put it on again when they leave.

Such a mask, not only does it not provide good protection, but also exposes us to infection, and not only from the coronavirus. Why?

A mask that has been used for a long time loses its effectiveness. There are several reasons

Virologist Prof. Włodzimierz Gut, reminding us that in such a situation it exposes us to infection not only with the coronavirus, but also with other dangerous pathogens. – The mask is not a barrier specific to SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses. Everything that is in the aerosol that we expel is deposited on it. We can have, for example, mycobacteria of tuberculosis and coronavirus on the mask – he told PAP.

In addition, this mask is also “full” of our saliva. Would you like to wear something like that on your face? There is another issue with this. It is about the mask getting wet as a result of rain, snow, low temperature, exhaling water vapor, coughing or sneezing. Meanwhile, the moist mask is no longer effective. This is because moisture / water restricts airflow, which in turn reduces virus filtering, and can also make breathing difficult.

  1. How to wear masks in winter? The rule is more important than ever. Experts observe

According to Karol Sikora, a former official of the World Health Organization, “all types of masks are basically sensitive to moisture”. This applies even to the N-95 masks, which are among the most effective in preventing infections.

Recently, scientists have noticed one more thing related to reusable face masks. The point is that such use changes their shape, which translates into less and less effectiveness (more on this in the article: Why can’t the same mask be used several times?).

How often to change the mask?

He talked about it, among others Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, Ph.D., an immunologist: “Change the mask when it gets wet, but not less frequently than every 2-3 hours (N95 / 99 – 8-12 hours)” – he wrote on Twitter in September 2020. Why just after such a time? – The surgical mask loses its properties after 2-3 hours – the filters become clogged and the mask begins to “let through”. It is similar with textile masks. – Let’s remember – surgical and cotton masks should not be used for more than three hours – he explained in an interview with Medonet.

Hence, it is so important (especially in winter) to always have at least one spare clean mask with you (it is best to keep it in a zip-up bag). At Medonet Market you can now buy disposable, 3-layer protective masks.

When changing the cover, we are still bound by the safety rules. Before putting on the mask and after taking it off, wash or disinfect your hands (similarly, if you touch the mask that is already on). Take off the mask without touching its front part (it’s best to hold it by the strings). After taking the photo off, we do not touch our eyes or mouth. We either throw the used mask away – if it is disposable, or put it in a plastic zip-bag when it is reusable and wash it in at least 60 degrees C. We do not hang it in the car or corridor and do not wait for it to dry itself …

The mask is unequal

It is worth realizing that masks as such provide different levels of protection depending on the type. In an interview with Medonet, the pulmonologist dr hab. Tadeusz Zielonka.

– Remember that we have two types of masks. One is a surgical mask or its equivalents (like cloth masks) that most people wear, and the other is a mask with filters – said the specialist. – The former protects primarily against the fact that an infected person does not infect others. In other words, if I, as a healthy person, have this mask, it will not protect me from getting sick, but only reduce the risk, according to estimates, by about 20%.

In the case of masks with protective filters, our protection increases from 20 to 80 percent. – We cannot talk about 100%, because it is tightness at stake – which is a matter of fitting or proper wearing – our expert pointed out. – However, let’s be aware that if we want to protect ourselves better, we should invest in better masks, in masks with filters. Remember that the mask is uneven – the surgical mask protects us from infecting others, the mask with filters also provides great protection for ourselves (the entire interview with Dr. Tadeusz Zielonka).

Do you need a mask? We recommend disposable masks and reusable protective masks made of hypoallergenic materials available on Medonet Market.

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