Do you stay in the toilet for a long time? Doctors warn: it could end badly

Sitting for a long time with the phone on the toilet while you have a bowel movement can even end up with major surgery. Doctors warn against spending more than 10-15 minutes on the toilet in this position. In addition, your phone screen can be full of all kinds of bacteria, including E. coli.

  1. For years, doctors have been reporting that long sitting on the toilet can end up with painful hemorrhoids
  2. In the past, people read newspapers or books while having a bowel movement, and now most take their smartphones with them to a secluded place
  3. Specialists believe that in order to avoid surgery, you should not spend more than 10-15 minutes on the toilet
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

One foreign company conducted a survey in 2015 which showed that nine out of ten people take their smartphones with them when they go to the toilet. It turns out that surfing the Internet while having a bowel movement is now the norm.

Long sitting on the toilet can result in painful anal discomfort

However, probably hardly anyone realizes that browsing social media may end up at some point with very painful ailments, such as hemorrhoids.

– The problem is not just using the smartphone. Rather, sitting on the toilet on the toilet for long periods of time can certainly lead to problems with hemorrhoids. If you take too long and strain too much, it can cause the hemorrhoids to fill with blood, causing symptoms such as pain, swelling or bleeding, warns colon surgeon Dr. Karen Zaghiyan in an interview with

The doctor added that the next big risk with using a smartphone on the toilet is contamination with fecal bacteria. A 2017 Trusted Source study of high school students’ cell phones revealed that phones could also contain E. coli and other nasty germs.

In fact, a UK industry study found that the average smartphone screen is even dirtier than the toilet seat. Even if you care about the cleanliness of your home, you never know what the sanitary conditions are in public toilets and bathrooms.

Meanwhile, urologist Marcos Del Rosario from Mexico stated that contamination on phone screens may also result from the inability to properly wash hands. – Adults still don’t know how to wash their hands. I see it all the time in public bathrooms, the doctor told

Further part under the video.

Long sitting on the toilet. What to do to avoid surgery?

First, you should only sit on the toilet for as long as you need to. – If you don’t have a bowel movement after a few minutes, don’t force it. Instead, get up and go do something else. When you feel like going again, you can go back there, says Dr. Zaghiyan.

You should spend up to 15 minutes pooping – if it lasts longer, it may indicate a constipation problem. Avoid sitting and exercising for long periods. If you get distracted, try setting a timer so that you know when to get up.

You can also invest in a bidet as pressurized warm water can relieve anal muscles. Of course, you should also wash your hands thoroughly after using the bathroom, and not just after having a bowel movement. The key is to spend at least 20 seconds scrubbing all parts of your hands.

And if someone really wants to use a smartphone in the bathroom, they must remember to close the toilet seat before flushing. With each flush, stool particles fly into the air and land on your phone and body parts, including a toothbrush if the toilet seat is in your home’s only bathroom.

It is also important not only to wash your hands every day, but also to thoroughly clean the phone.

How much time can you spend on the toilet?

An even shorter toilet seat is recommended by Dr. Karan Rajan, who is known for giving medical advice on his TikTok. According to him, you should spend less than 10 minutes in the toilet.

– Try not to spend more than 10 minutes in the toilet on average. Gravity is not your friend. The longer you use the toilet, the longer blood can pool in the veins, causing hemorrhoids, explains the doctor.

He also explained that overexertion can cause blood vessels to swell, which is also harmful to our health.

Herbal and fruit tea for hemorrhoids from Herbapol in Krakow is a composition of 6 herbs and fruits that support circulation and blood vessels. It is available from Medonet Market.

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