Do you sleep in this position? This is the first step to depression and heart disease

How we sleep has a big impact on our health and well-being. Inappropriate position during sleep, resulting in breathing disorders and insufficient oxygen supply to the lungs, not only will not make us refreshed, but over time can cause much more serious problems, e.g. depression.

  1. Sleep apnea is associated not only with snoring bothersome for the environment, but above all with the risk of various diseases, including depression or heart failure
  2. In the case of apnea, the posture a person takes during sleep is important. Side and stomach positions are best
  3. In more severe cases, sleep apnea can be treated with a special mask device that makes it easier to breathe during sleep
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Scientific studies have proven that Some health problems can be caused by sleep apnea (night obstructive apnea), which is promoted by specific sleeping positions. Apnea can lead to a deterioration of the well-being, a feeling of fatigue, and even depression, high blood pressure, heart failure or chronic insomnia. So it’s worth taking care of how we sleep, and if we are unable to help ourselves – go to a specialist doctor. Sleep apnea can be treated, although a proper lifestyle is of utmost importance.

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Difficulty breathing while sleeping

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) prevents the lungs from reaching the right amount of air. It is caused by the soft tissues at the back of the throat and tongue collapsing during sleep. Pauses in breathing can even exceed 10 seconds. The phenomenon of apnea and the associated inextricably troublesome snoring, is promoted by sleeping in the supine position, but also overweight, alcohol abuse, some chronic diseases, specific structure of the lower jaw. Sleep apnea can cause sudden drops in blood oxygen and high blood pressure, affecting heart health. It is also a factor in the development of depression in many people.

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Sleep apnea causes depression

According to the results of a study by Canadian and American scientists published in 2017 in the journal “Sleep Medicine and Disorders”, as much as 18 percent people with depression also have sleep apnea, while patients with sleep apnea in 17,6 percent. they also have depression. So there is no doubt that both phenomena are related to each other. This is also indicated by a study based on a group of Saudi Arabian pilots conducted by doctors in New Delhi, India. Another study found that patients with sleep apnea struggle with mental health disorders and this has an impact on their daily performance. This has been attributed to poor concentration, mood swings, and anxiety caused by disturbed sleep patterns.

So if you notice disturbing symptoms such as restlessness, depressed mood, constant fatigue and difficulty falling asleep, pay attention to the way you sleep first.

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Further part under the video.

The correct position of the body is important

You can try to deal with sleep apnea yourself. In order for the respiratory tract of people with sleep apnea to be open, they should sleep in the appropriate position: on their side or on their stomach. However, this does not always help, especially with severe and advanced apnea. Then a visit to the doctor is necessary. In more severe cases, you may need a special CPAP machine that ensures a constant supply of oxygen to the nose and mouthso you can breathe normally. The device tightly covers the nose and forces air into the respiratory tract through the mask, the flow of air prevents the throat from collapsing, preventing apnea. In some embodiments, operational methods are used. Good results in obese people are also brought by weight loss.

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Also read:

  1. Apnea kills. Check if you snore
  2. Doctors concerned about the mental state of Poles. What’s happening to us? Psychiatrists say
  3. Seven ways to fight insomnia

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