Do you often wear flip-flops? The orthopedist has no good news

Summer is in full swing, so for many of us it’s time to get our feet free as much as possible. That is why we often choose flip-flops for walking. But are such flip-flops recommended by orthopedists? What can go wrong if we wear flip flops for too long? Dr. Krzysztof Jagodziński, an orthopedist, explains.

Walking in flip-flops and health

Flip-flops, or flip-flops with two stripes narrowing between the toes, are a very popular type of footwear worn in summer. Women especially like these shoes. They give the feet a lot of freedom, but are they healthy for our feet? What are the doctors saying?

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– Orthopedic specialists do not explicitly encourage or discourage the wearing of flip-flops – says Krzysztof Jagodziński, MD, PhD, an orthopedist from the Damian Medical Center.

The doctor notes that it all depends on the intensity of walking in these shoes.

– It should be mentioned that the long-term use of unstable shoes (which include flip-flops) puts a heavy strain on the organs of movement, and the feet must perform very intensive work in them – emphasizes Dr. Jagodziński.

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– During hot weather and holiday trips, a lot of people, for various reasons, constantly use such footwear. Unfortunately, what is convenient and comfortable for us can lead to health problems – pain in the feet and tibia, inflammation or overload conditions – says the orthopedist.

If not flip-flops, then what?

What summer shoes instead of flip-flops – what does an orthopedist recommend?

– We do not have to completely give up the use of flip-flops, but it should not be footwear that we use permanently. In the long run, it is worth using sports footwear that is more stable and allows you to cushion your feet from the ground – emphasizes Dr. Krzysztof Jagodziński.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

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