1. Irregular consumption of meals
She is primarily responsible for the feeling of hunger glucose. The brain receives information about the sugar level all the time blood. When blood levels drop, appetite increases. But when glucose increases, appetite decreases. When we eat it occurs irregularly for extended breaks between meals. Long breaks in the supply of food lead to a drop in blood sugar, which makes you feel hungry. If so we constantly eat irregularly, we may feel that we are hungry practically all the time.
2. Eating lots of sweets
Consumption of simple sugars found, among others in sweets leads to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, and then to quickly lower its level. Frequent consumption of sweets so it makes your blood sugar fluctuate all the time, which is why it is strong hunger can accompany us all day long.
3. Inadequate composition of meals
Not only sweets can lead to sugar fluctuations in blood. The same applies to meals with a high glycemic load. Load glycemic index is based on the value of the glycemic index (which informs about how the consumption of a given product affects blood sugar levels) and amounts carbohydrates in the consumed portion. Eating the meals they want high glycemic load, i.e. they contain products with a high index glycemic and high carbohydrate intake can contribute to jumps blood sugar levels, which will increase your appetite. So you should compose your meals in in such a way that they have a low glycemic load or take care of the addition of protein, fat and fiber in a meal. All these ingredients slow down changes carbohydrates.
4. Drinking too little water
Drinking too little water leads to a feeling of thirst and many people confuse thirst with hunger. In addition, drinking water helps suppress your appetite and reduce the feeling of hunger, so it is worth drinking the right amount of fluids day. You can read about the water requirement in the article How much water should I drink? The most important rules.
5. Constant stress
Permanent stress disrupts the mechanisms responsible for feeling full and hungry. The production of leptin (the hormone affecting the feeling of satiety), and the production of neuropeptide Y is increased (informing you of the feeling of hunger) and cortisol (which promotes the deposition of tissue fat). There is also a decrease in the level of serotonin, a hormone happiness, and because carbohydrates are involved in its production, it intensifies appetite, especially for sweet products. So let’s take the time to activities that are fun and reduce stress. How effective You can read how to relax in the article Relaxation – a key element of losing weight.
6. Not getting enough sleep
Sleep deprivation can also affect your constant feeling of hunger. AT people who do not sleep enough hours develop a disorder the functioning of two hormones responsible for the feeling of hunger and satiety. Increase The production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, decreases and the amount of leptin decreases responsible for the feeling of satiety. In such a situation there is hunger, which can accompany you throughout the day, because it is not always possible to reduce it, even after eating a meal.
7. Diseases
There are also diseases that are associated with severe appetite. Such diseases include type 2 diabetes. It is characterized by excessive insulin secretion, which promotes excessive appetite. Excessive appetite may also appear with an overactive thyroid gland. It manifests itself accelerated metabolism, which is accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger.
8. Parasites
Parasitic disease can also manifest itself continuously feeling hungry. Parasites feed on what we eat, especially products carbohydrate. So there may be an increased appetite for this type products.
9. Damage to the hypothalamus
It is a very rare cause of constantly feeling hungry damage to the ventromedial part of the cerebral hypothalamus. It is located there the satiety center, which can be damaged, for example, as a result of a head injury. When this center is damaged, there is no feeling of satiety.
10. Unmet psychological needs
The cause of the lack of satiety can also be caused unmet psychological needs. If we feel hungry, despite eating a meal, it may turn out that what we feel is not physical hunger, and mental hunger. Food serves us not only to satisfy physiological needs, but very often also mental (e.g. needs safety or love). However, mental hunger cannot be fully satisfied with the help of food. The causes of its appearance should be diagnosed and then solve the problem at the base, that is, satisfy mental needs. You can do more read about it in the article Ah, this hunger.
Main photo: Photo credit: Chalky Lives / Foter / CC BY