Do you need to urinate in the woods? It can be dangerous to your health

Nice weather and holiday time encourage hiking and walks in forests and meadows. Occasionally, during such walks, it may be necessary to urinate. That is why we explain how to do it in harmony with nature and the rules of hygiene.

  1. A healthy adult should urinate six to eight times a day. Usually its volume varies from 300 to 500 ml
  2. In order to urinate safely in the forest and not create problems for others, it is enough to follow a few tips on the method of urine excretion and the appropriate selection of the place for this activity.
  3. When defecating in the forest, you should carefully protect yourself against mosquitoes and ticks. These insects transmit diseases that are dangerous for humans
  4. You can find more similar news on the TvoiLokony home page

An adult, healthy person should urinate every three or four hours in portions of 300 to 500 ml. Sometimes it may happen that a need will catch you during a summer walk in a meadow or forest. If there are toilets nearby, there is no problem. The stairs begin when there is no such place. You can then use the forest toilets. However, it is worth following a few simple tips that will help you avoid unpleasantness, disease and forest devastation.

Urinating too often causes

A healthy person should urinate six to eight times a day. Going to the toilet more often should start to wonder. It is worth discussing them with your doctor, as there can be many reasons for this. The most common of them include:

  1. inflammation in the urethra and bladder;
  2. inflammatory reaction in the prostate gland;
  3. renal colic in the course of urolithiasis;
  4. bladder cancer;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. painful bladder syndrome;
  7. diabetes;
  8. bladder hernia;
  9. reactive arthritis;
  10. bladder overactivity;
  11. hypopituitarism;
  12. damage to the brain or spinal cord;

Urination and hygiene in the forest – rules

If you want to empty your bladder, you should move away from the trail, campsite or spring of water for at least 50 meters. However, avoid places where others are peeing. Human urine has a characteristic odor. Being in its surroundings is not the most pleasant. However, there is also a second, even more important, reason. Urine has an alluring scent for many animals that can lure them in e.g. to a place where we pitched a tent or stopped for a stop.

When emptying the bladder in the forest, especially in the case of longer stays, it is important to remember about the hygiene of intimate places. Otherwise, irritation can easily occur. That is why it is worth taking with you moisturizing wipes or ecological and biodegradable soap.

When emptying the bladder, it is worth directing its stream to various points, because this will protect small bushes, blueberries or wild strawberries from damage.

You can find the rest of the article under the video.

Hygienic equipment

Urinating in the woods is a bit more problematic for women than for men. Crouching in thick grass is not the most pleasant. In addition, it exposes you to mosquito bites or ticks in intimate places. That is why it is worth considering the solution that women use during running or marathon training. Some of the competitors take a special silicone funnel with them on the route, which allows you to settle the need without removing the shorts. This solution can also be successfully used by women and girls walking in the woods. This type of packed equipment fits in a pocket or backpack.

Slight and painless. This is how a tick works

By following the need in tall grass, you can become a victim of ticks. Especially that these small arachnids stuck into the human body practically painlessly. As a result, they can parasitize up to several days on their host. It is all the more dangerous that these insects transmit dangerous diseases, e.g. Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis or babesiosis. To reduce the risk of ticks becoming established in the human body, you should:

  1. use repellants;
  2. dress covering the legs, where these insects most often live;
  3. wear bright colors. On them, ticks are easier to distinguish;
  4. carefully watch your body after walks.

Do not give in to mosquitoes and ticks. In nature, use an effective preparation that repels dangerous insects and arachnids. You can buy a set of strong repellants without leaving your home at Medonet Market.

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