
Who you are and what you are is determined not only by what your story is, but also by who you see yourself and how you present yourself. A person builds himself, and a personal legend, this or that fairy tale about himself, builds us in the same way as any suggestions build us.

The legend may be focused on you, maybe on others. Probably, first of all, you should take care of your own legend for yourself — such a legend that would create the best base for your own development. Sometimes this is called beliefs, sometimes the image of the Self or personal identity (for psychoanalysts — Ego-identity), be that as it may, it is worth thinking about it.

One of the participants of the Distance, working with soul on the exercises, in the direction of «Status and Influence» constantly slowed down, as if something was holding her back. And one amazing day she came, as if transformed: smooth gestures and movements, royal posture, soft, but imperious intonations … What happened? What did she do to herself? She spoke about it this way: “I spent all my childhood running with the boys through the yards and through the garbage dumps, and we always looked at adults and beautifully dressed people as something alien, garbage dogs were closer to us. Even when I grew up and changed the company, deep down I still felt like some kind of mongrel, I didn’t believe that I was a beautiful and status woman — where did I come from? I decided to change it, I closed my eyes and began to remember my other childhood. Create a new childhood for yourself. I realized that I was the Countess of Suzdal, and I began to construct this image for myself, this legend. And soon, as if in reality, I saw our large and beautiful estate with large meadows and a park, a wide staircase, along which I ran in a light white dress towards my father and mother. I remembered a beautiful hall with large paintings and transparent curtains, where I loved to play the piano, I remembered our dinners at a large table with candles and a huge mirror in front of which I admired myself when I was going to the first ball … »

It’s never too late to relive your happy childhood…

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The legends are actively used by socially oriented desired image. Alexander the Great did not mind at all when the Egyptian priests proclaimed him the son of the god Ra, today the teams of political strategists create the image of each regular political figure in a standard way. You may admire it, it may resent you, but this is the reality of life: legends are created, legends are used, legends work. Ahead of a bright leader there is always a legend about him, and even before his appearance, the people are whispering, and the ladies’ hearts stop beating: now He will appear! The one that!…

The scandalous legend, unfortunately, causes the same sinking of the heart as the heroic legend.

If for some reason there is still no legend about you, and you, for example, are an actor, business coach, politician or other type related to show business, then contact the specialists, they will construct a legend for you and to the masses will launch. The stories about you will be organized, you will learn your stories, the legend will flap its wings and soon you will believe in it as well as the target audience.

And what does this have to do with you, if you are still a small person? What is such a legend? For starters, it’s small. Most likely, in your life there were stories that others can envy. Remember them — and tell them (learn how to tell them beautifully) to the interlocutors who are of interest to you.

Have you lived in the mountains? (well, with parents, and in the low mountains, and not for long — but lived?) Jumped with a parachute? Hitchhiking in Europe? Have you flown on a hang glider? Were you intimately acquainted with … ? And one peppy young man, changing his passport, immediately replaced both his first and last name, and from the most ordinary for quite inexpensively turned into a memorable free foreigner.

Long live the personal legend that helps us move forward and opens up new development opportunities!

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