Do you like to take care of yourself with healthy snacks?

Do you like to take care of yourself with healthy snacks?


Take part in the ABC Bienestar contest and you could win a Paleobull “Pack Summum”

Do you like to take care of yourself with healthy snacks?

For decades the human being has evolved or regressed (depending on how you look at it) towards a model in which the frenetic pace of life is what marks everything. New diseases, lack of sleep, stress, lack of hours in the day are seriously affecting our health.

Fortunately we have started to take care of ourselves and pay more attention to fitness and practicing exercise to respond to the signs of weakness and exhaustion sent by that body so abused. But the interest in sports and physical care is useless if it is not completed with a healthy nutrition.

The new trends, more respectful with the environment and defenders of the consumption of fresh products (real) such as fruits, vegetables, vegetables, eggs, meats, fish, legumes and nuts are aimed at completely eliminate ultra-processed products and sugar to get a new lifestyle, much healthier. Sometimes we talk about lack of time and we feel the need to be able to access something fast, which is also easily transportable, to eat healthy. This is where Paleobull is making its way as a healthy option thanks to its paleo bars, which are 100% Spanish and have been made with natural ingredients.

In addition to the bars of different flavors, Paleobull has created a healthy cocoa and hazelnut spread called Ragweed It has no sweeteners or added sugars.

At ABC Bienestar we want to introduce you to those products that help you take care of yourself. For this reason, we raffle a «Pack Summum», which contains 2 cans of Ambrosía Clásica, 1 bottle of Ambrosía Mora and 20 bars (2 of each flavor). So you can participate:

Being aware of how important health is can help you change your way of life. Start with small gestures such as exercising daily (even 10 minutes), taking care of your diet, discovering the things that make you feel good about yourself, improving your personal relationships … Do you want us to help you? Sign up for our newsletter and be part of our #bienestarios community.

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