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Is it possible to know in advance which song will become a hit? Yes, says neuroeconomist Gregory Berns of Emory University (USA).

Is it possible to know in advance which song will become a hit? Yes, says neuroeconomist Gregory Berns of Emory University (USA). He compared magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data obtained four years ago of the brains of volunteers who listened to little-known songs with the current position of these songs in the charts. It turned out that songs that caused more pronounced activity in the limbic system and the pleasure center became popular. MRI can predict high rankings in the charts more accurately than like-dislike answers. Declaring our musical tastes, we (especially young people and teenagers) are often influenced by stereotypes, fashion and the opinions of people who are significant to us. But stereotypes and authorities cannot deceive our brain.

Daria Rybina

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