Do you know which are the most addictive foods?

Do you know which are the most addictive foods?

Why a food creates addiction and you have the need to continue taking it, is now revealed.

“Don’t put that close to me because as I start I can’t stop”. What a typical phrase when we go out for a snack, right?

For some reason, there are foods that, although we are aware that they are not good for our health, we consume them, and the more we eat them, the more we want to eat them again.

But why does this addiction occur?which are the foods that create the most addiction? In the following lines we tell you everything …

Why are we addicted to certain foods?

The reason is very simple and painful at the same time. Perhaps you have not realized that these foods they are never fresh fruits or vegetables, They are usually always ultra-processed full of sugars, refined oils, flours …

Well, the real reason you get so addicted is that create spikes in your blood glucose, what do you secrete endorphins, the hormone of happiness. Our brains are addicted to this hormone, since it causes pleasure, and therefore, it will always be asking you to give it a “kick” of endorphins, dopamines and serotonins.

This might seem good, after all you have to be happy … But an addiction is not a good thing. No one would say that being addicted to drugs like cocaine or heroin is good, and after all, the reason for the addiction is similar: they create pleasure in the brain.

It scientifically proven that consumption of these ultra-processed foods is directly related to a higher degree of obesity and with increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases due to its components proinflamatorios.

Foods that create addiction

Foods that create addiction are rich in sugars, salt, trans fats, refined flours, and all kinds of added aberrations. The more quantity you consume, the less pleasure response it creates and the more quantities your brain demands. For this reason, addicts to these foods are more prone to obesity. Therefore, we want you to know what they are so that you consume them with extreme caution.

Según un study conducted by the University of Michigan and the New York Obesity Research Center Department of Medicine, the foods that create the most addiction are those with the highest content of refined fats and added free sugars.

The list created by this study is headed by the pizza and is followed by burger, fried chicken, Popcorn, French fries, both bag and french frieze; pretzels, refreshments, pastries, jelly beans, chocolate, in all its versions; cookies, cheese… In short, all those foods that are put in front of us and it is really difficult for us not to start eating them.

Now that you know which foods cause special addiction and the reasons why they create it, it is time for you to become aware of your lifestyle and your diet.

It is not about completely eradicating them from your life, simply consuming them very sporadically, as long as they are accompanied by a balanced lifestyle and daily physical activity.

The Romans already said it a few centuries ago: “Mens sana in corpore sano“.

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