Between 5 and 10% of the Spanish population suffers from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you could even be one of those who suffer from it.
Have you heard of the FODMAP diet? Increasingly, we hear that there are more people with food intolerances: lactose, fructose, gluten …
The first thing we have to tell you is that you should never start a diet or a treatment without first consulting with your nutritionist or family doctor for tests so that at no time you are missing any vital vitamin or nutrient.
FODMAP is actually the acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols, so what the “FODMAP diet” is a diet low in all these compounds. All of them are simple or complex fermentable carbohydrates that are found in food and that cause an increase in water in the intestine. Now we explain why this can be bad.
If you feel that everything feels bad and you do not know what to eat, this may be your solution
Since 2004, numerous investigations have been carried out on the Irritable Bowel or Colon Syndrome with the aim of finding a nutritional solution for all those who suffer from it. In this way, this diet low in fermentable carbohydrates in the intestine was arrived at.
Why do some people feel bad about these nutrients? As we have pointed out previously, these carbohydrates cause a increased water in the intestine, and not being well digested or absorbed, they superfeed the gut bacteria that multiply and are the cause of that abdominal bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas…
Basically what this diet consists of is reduce fiber intake as much as possible, such as whole grains, since they are indigestible substances, as well as in avoid gluten products. The latter does not occur in all cases, so it is important to consult a doctor beforehand.
So what can I or can’t I eat?
Do not worry, eliminating these nutrients from your diet will not mean having to feed only on air and water, the truth is that you will only have to change some routines or substitute some foods for others. Nothing more serious.
Within cereals or derivatives that you should eliminate from your diet, we find brown rice, barley, oats, rye, and in general, any whole grain cereal. You may have noticed that certain vegetables they cause you pain or perhaps you attribute it to other foods, but the truth is that vegetables such as garlic, artichoke, eggplant, broccoli, mixed cabbages, lettuce, peppers, and mushrooms are high in FODMAP, for what most likely makes you feel bad. They will suit you much better chard, zucchini, pumpkin, spinach, green beans, cucumber …
As for the fruits, we regret to inform you that most of the red fruits will be very difficult to digest. However, you can substitute them for pomegranates, currants, figs, tangerines, pineapple, banana … If you wonder why the dried fruits, for the most part they also tend to feel bad, but keep in mind that not all intestines or all digestions are the same, it is possible that some of the foods that we mention feel good to you, who knows.
As a general rule, it is recommended avoid dairy With this diet, you can always resort to lactose-free, increasingly present in supermarkets, or substitutes such as almond or rice drinks …
Finally, as for meat and fish, you will not have any problem with them, the only thing that is recommended to avoid are hamburgers and sausages of any kind. But this is no longer only for FODMAP diets, but also for your health and that of your family, since, unless they are homemade, they are not usually quality meats.
So now you know, if meals tend to feel bad and you’re tired of abdominal pain, talk to your doctor and start the diet that will make you fall in love with food again.