Do you know what cell farming is?

Do you know what cell farming is?

The search for new sustainable ways of feeding the population has led research in paths worthy of science fiction films such as food printing or the creation of meats in a laboratory. 

The exponential population growth, climate change and the overexploitation of available resources force us to find new crops super productive that consume less water and minimize environmental impact.

La cellular agriculture tries to cultivate animal tissues intended for food, textile or medical industries, eliminating the need to sacrifice animals. This new way of getting meat may seem extravagant and unhealthy, but the reality is that both yogurt and beer are obtained by following similar procedures.

Advantages of cell farming

One of the advances that cellular agriculture allows us is that guarantees all the properties of the original meat, but managing to eliminate any chemical treatment and removing all those unwanted components like fat, lactose or cholesterol.

This technique can ensure a continuity in meat consumption as a protein-rich food, but at a much lower environmental and economic cost. Allowing, therefore, take these foods to countries where they are scarce or they are impossible to obtain.

In addition, sanitary controls would make these foods much safer, eliminating any possibility of contagion of diseases of animal origin transmitted through food.

Cellular agriculture under debate

Currently, this technology is only in testing phaseIn fact, a test was carried out in London with a laboratory hamburger, but we will soon find it applied to our day to day and revolutionizing the way we consume food.

Now, like every technological or scientific advance, cell farming has both defenders and detractors. Pros It is argued that it will reduce environmental impact, gas emissions and enhance food safety.

On the other hand, we find a much more restrained posture who prefers to wait to see how the trials unfold and how these products are actually marketed before positioning themselves.

However, they have been found critical postures who consider that the solution first passes through a change in mentality towards a new model of consumption and production raising awareness in society of the benefits of the basic vegetarian diet and the production of respectful animal food and following the parameters of organic farming.

Now it’s up to you to decide, whose side are you on?

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