Do you know vitamins? Our quiz will show you what the truth is

Without vitamins, there is no health, more – no life. Although vitamins do not provide energy, it is thanks to them that we can function. Knowing about them definitely makes it easier to care for health and good shape. Where can you find the most vitamin C? What vitamin may be missing when mouth corners crack or hair falls out? Check what you know about vitamins! It should be easy for you to score at least seven points.

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1. We call the “vitamin of the sun”:

vitamin D.
vitamin PP
Vitamin C.
vitamin D. Next question
The sun is the best source of vitamin D3 – it is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight

2. Cracked mouth corners may indicate a lack of:

Photo: Shutterstock
vitamin K
B vitamins
folic acid
B vitamins Next question
The cause of cracked mouth corners is most often deficiency of B vitamins, but also iron and zinc. You can supplement them by eating more eggs, sun-dried tomatoes, peanuts, and legumes. It is also worth including foods rich in vitamin C in your diet.

3. Hypervitaminosis is:

Vitamin deficiency in the body
Excess of vitamins in the body
Vitamin absorption disorders
Excess of vitamins in the body Next question
Hypervitaminosis means excess vitamins in the body. Too high doses of vitamins are most often the result of inappropriate or unnecessary supplementation. This condition can be dangerous to your health

4. Vitamins of youth are:

ACE Next question
They help to delay the aging processes and thus prolong our youth

5. Which pepper contains the most vitamin C:

Photo: Shutterstock
it is the same in all of them
yellow Next question
The most vitamin C can be found in yellow pepper (approx. 180 mg), slightly less in red pepper (approx. 127 mg), and the least amount in green pepper (approx. 80 mg)

6. Which vitamins can be overdosed:

Fat-soluble Next question
Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) are not excreted with urine – their excess can be dangerous for the body. On the other hand, water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored by the body (with the exception of vitamin B12)

7. Night blindness can result from a deficiency of:

vitamin C.
vitamin A.
vitamin E.
vitamin A. Next question
In rare cases, night blindness is caused by a vitamin A deficiency. This compound plays an important role in turning nerve impulses into images on the retina (the light-sensitive organ at the back of the eye). The causes of night blindness also include myopia and cataracts

8. Folic acid is otherwise:

vitamin B9
both answers are correct
both answers are correct Next question
Folic acid is one of the most necessary vitamins in the human body. Its shortage leads, inter alia, for megaloblastic anemia, increased risk of heart disease, certain cancers, birth defects in infants whose mothers were deficient in folic acid during pregnancy

9. A safe dose of vitamin D is:

up to 500 units a day
up to 2 units per day
up to 5 units per day
up to 2 units per day Next question
A dose of 500 to 2 is safe. units per day depending on the risk group of vitamin D3 deficiency. To check the level of vitamin D we have and – if necessary – choose the optimal dose, it is worth doing a blood level test – 25 / OH / D3

10. Which fruit has more vitamin C?

Rosehip fruit
Rosehip fruit Next question
The content of vitamin C in rosehips exceeds the content of vitamin C in citrus several dozen times

11. Which products do you find vitamin E in?

in sunflower oil
in hazelnuts and walnuts
in avocado
all answers are correct
all answers are correct Next question
The main source of vitamin E are products of plant origin: sunflower oil, olive oil, olives, nuts: hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, sesame and avocado

12. Symptoms of vitamin D overdose are:

nausea and vomiting
frequent headaches, pain in the eyes
both answers are correct
both answers are correct Next question
Vitamin D3 can be overdosed. This happens when it is taken intensively in all versions: in the form of going out into the sun, in a diet rich in foods with vitamin D and in supplements containing high doses that are not adapted to the body’s needs.
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